Green Hope Driver Education



    Driver Education Phone (919) 500-2174

    Contact: Chip Bunn

    Classroom Instructor: Cathy Stone (

    Class Location: Green Hope Media Center

     Classroom Instruction

    The Driver Education classroom program is a minimum of 30 hours of classroom instructions requirement. There is a minimum class size of 25 students and a maximum of 35 students. The class schedule is normally 3 hours per day for 10 scheduled school days after school hours and 6 hours per day for 5 days during the summer

    Behind the Wheel Training

    Once all classroom requirements are completed, students are placed on a waiting list and when it is time for students to receive Behind the Wheel Training, a driving instructor will be assigned to schedule the behind the wheel driving training. The current waiting period between the completion of the class and behind the wheel instruction is approximately 4 to 6 months.

    The behind the wheel instructor is responsible for calling and scheduling students to drive. When called, please remember to write down your driving instructor’s name and number, driving schedule, place to meet and to be picked up. You must provide your own transportation to and from driving sessions.  Please be patient as we attempt to drive students as quickly as possible.

    How to register for the Driver Education Program at Green Hope High School:

    Visit for registration information, registration link, & course details for Green Hope High School.  

    • Class Registration Periods:

    Registration for Session 4, 5, 6, and 7: Tuesday, January 7th at 11:00 am.
    Registration will be online at on a first come first serve basis.
    Students must be at least 14.5 years old on or before the first day of class to register. Once the classes are full, the site will no longer allow you to register online. Each class has 35 seats.  
    Driver Education Class Sessions
    Session #4: January 22,23,24,27,28,29,30,31, Feb. 3,4 2025
    Session #5: February 20,21,25,26,27,28, March 3,4,5,6 2025
    Session #6: March 24,25,26,27,28, April 8,9,10,11,14 2025
    Session #7: May 1,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15 2025
    1. Please refer to as to the date and time for Green Hope HS registration


  • Watch this short video for an overview of the Driver's Education process.


    The goal of the Wake County Public School System and its driver education contractor, Jordan Driving School (JDS), is to provide a quality driver education program to all students in a safe and timely manner. The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) requires 30 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of behind-the-wheel training. The average time to complete the Driver Education class, from registration through the classroom and driving phases, is typically 6 months but can differ depending on the school.  Please check your individual school’s Driver Education website for updates. Students wanting their permits by age 15 must register on or before the age of 14 years, six months. Students with extracurricular activities or jobs may take longer due to conflicts with scheduling driver education.

    There are no academic requirements in order to take the driver education class. There are academic requirements in order to apply for a permit or license after finishing the driver education class.
    Students should view available dates register for Driver Education at

    Once students are assigned to a class, they will be notified to pay the $65.00 fee in order to finalize their registration. Students that are dismissed from driver education class due to behavior or attendance problems will not be allowed to take driver education a second time through the Wake County Public School System.

    Parents are highly encouraged to attend a parent-teen meeting, held on the last day of the classroom session for driver education students. This meeting will inform parents and students of behind-the-wheel procedures and provide best practices for parents teaching teens to drive.   

    Registration information

    You must be 14½ years of age for the required 30-hour classroom portion. Driver Education is offered through a private contractor, Jordan Driving School, after school hours, Saturdays, holiday breaks and during summer months. Driver Education is offered to each eligible student residing within Wake County, who pays a $65 fee to register for a class. A lead teacher at each of the WCPSS high schools is assigned to administer the Driver Education program.

    Additional information

    For additional information, a message may be left for the lead teacher, who will return the call as soon as possible. You may also call Jordan Driving School, or visit their web site at On the website you will find general information, email addresses for the lead teachers, specific classroom dates and a list of additional classes that might be available. For Behind the Wheel questions or information specific to your school, contact your lead teacher.

Green Hope Driver Education Coordinator

Contact Mr. Bunn for more information about the Driver Education Program at Green Hope HS.
Chip Bunn, Driver Education Coordinator 