• Health & Physical Education Department


    The Health & Physical Education team implements one course required for graduation (Healthful Living) and other electives students may choose to take as a part of their experience at AFHS.  Standards in Health & PE focus on:

    • Mental & Emotional Health
    • Personal & Consumer Health
    • Interpersonal Communication & Relationships
    • Nutrition & Physical Activity
    • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs.

    Elective courses presently taught by the Health & PE Department include:

    • Activity courses such as Lifetime Sports I & II, Team Sports I & II.
    • Weight training courses (levels I, II, and III).
    • Sports Medicine courses (levels I - IV)
    • PEPI I & II.

    Exact course offerings each year are based on student demand and availability of staff.    


    If you have questions about our Health & PE Department, please feel free to contact Department Chair Guy Civitello (gcivitello@wcpss.net).