• Welcome to the AFHS Class of 2029!

    Apex Friendship High welcomes the Class of 2029!  We are excited that you are joining us at AFHS for your high school experience.  We are dedicated to working with you to make your first year of high school successful!

    Freshman Orientation

    We are excited about welcoming 9th grade students to campus on August 5, 2025.  During the orientation, students will be able to get to know the school campus, learn about clubs and other activities, walk through their class schedule, and learn about opportunities and supports at Apex Friendship High!

    Students will attend according to the following schedule:

    Tuesday, August 5
    8:00 - 10:00am - Students with Last Names A-F
    11:00am - 1:00pm - Students with Last Names G-O
    2:00 - 4:00pm - Students with Last Names P-Z

    We know that students may have a conflict that would make it easier to participate during a different session.  We will work to accommodate that.  Just let us know that you need to make an adjustment by emailing to Assistant Principal Mosley at cmosley@wcpss.net

    Families who cannot attend on August 5 are welcome to sign up for a structured tour at AFHS during the week of August 18-22. To schedule this tour, please email cmosley@wcpss.net.  

    More details about the Patriot Academy will be shared leading into summer!  Questions?  Email Mr. Pittman at bpittman@wcpss.net.   

    Freshman Parent Orientation

    We know that rising 9th grade parents are one of our greatest resources in supporting a smooth transition to high school.  We will incorporate a parent orientation session into our Patriot Academy days as well.  Parents are welcome to join us at any of the following times.  The same presentation will be made at each session.  An evening session for parents is included for parents who are not able to attend during the day.  Each session will be in the AFHS auditorium.  

    • Tuesday, August 5 from 8:30 - 9:45am
    • Tuesday, August 5 from 11:30am - 12:45pm
    • Tuesday, August 5 from 2:30 - 3:45pm
    • Tuesday, August 5 from 6:00 - 7:15pm



    Fall athletics teams will engage in workouts and tryouts prior to the first day of school.  All 9th graders are automatically eligible in their first semester of high school.  Information about workouts and tryouts will be posted on this page when available (typically in May / June). Questions about high school athletics should be directed to our Athletic Director, Matt Clifton (eclifton@wcpss.net).

    Course Registration for 2025-2026

    Students will participate in registration through their base middle school.  Students are encouraged to choose courses that will provide them the most challenge where they can still be successful.  AFHS course offerings for 9th grade students for 2025-2026 can be found at this link (coming soon).  Descriptions of courses can be found in the AFHS version of the High School Program Planning Guide (coming soon).

    Additional information is being posted below as it is available to support registration.  Middle school counselors will be your primary point of contact on registration for high school.

    AFHS will host a rising 9th grade curriculum night on Thursday, February 13 from 6-8pm.  More Information  


    Information about the Class of 2029

    The Class of 2029 will be amazing!  The AFHS Class of 2029 consists of about 600 students.  A little over half of the freshman class comes from Apex Friendship Middle with a large group also coming from Lufkin Road Middle.  Overall, our 9th graders come from 12 different middle schools in Wake!

    Some other school details include:

    • The Class of 2029 will be 12th graduating class at AFHS.  The first class graduated in Spring 2018.
    • Our students are the Patriots!  Our student section at ball games is called the “Pit.”


    We welcome your questions!  There are many who are able to help answer your questions.  As we work through the spring semesters, most of our staff will be focused on supporting our current students.  Any questions you have this spring can be sent to our principal, Brian Pittman (bpittman@wcpss.net).

    Communication with Class of 2029 & Families