About Our School
East Wake Magnet High School has been a pioneer in Eastern Wake County since opening in 1977. East Wake Magnet High School has a strong comprehensive curricular program that is tailored to meet the needs of our diverse school population. We are a data-driven learning community that focuses on evidence-based strategies for learning and teaching. We offer students support and encouragement as they pursue their academic interests with a focus on iTech and Design. Our team of dedicated and caring professionals works to strengthen their knowledge base through working in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and unique academic and business partnerships. In PLC groups, we design curriculum and discuss the various needs of all students. Through our Pyramid of Intervention, teachers and staff at East Wake access a variety of interventions to support students, including our Seminar, which includes SEL lessons, AVID Lessons, and tutorial time built into the school day.
East Wake Magnet High School's instructional programs are centered on learning agency that is delivered through a blended learning approach. By using a blended learning model, it allows our staff to utilize the power of digital instruction, teacher capacity, and varying instructional strategies to meet the educational needs of each student. Through this approach, East Wake Magnet is able to support students with prior learning deficiencies and accelerate them with others. The blended learning model is experienced in each classroom.
East Wake Magnet High School offers a variety of Advanced Placement courses as well as Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses. East Wake Magnet High School has the second-largest CTE program in the WCPSS by offering programs from Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, Agriculture, Family Consumer Sciences, Business, Technology, Computer Science, Project Lead the Way, and Health Sciences. Students may choose to join our Academy of Life Sciences to experience a deeper dive into a medical or veterinary science career. Our Academy of Life Sciences provides students the opportunity to learn more and experience first-hand medical and veterinary science careers. There are two pathways in our Academy of Life Sciences: Medical Sciences option and our Veterinary (Animal) Sciences option. Our academy provides unique opportunities to interact with academic and business partners to extend and enrich classroom instruction.
East Wake Magnet High School was named a Capturing Kids’ Heart National Showcase School by the Flippen Group in the 20-21, 21-22, and 23-24 school year. This is a tremendous honor for the school. To be nominated, 75% of your campus has participated in Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes, and the campus had to see measurable increases in attendance, advancement rate, climate/culture, and academic performance, as well as decreases in discipline referrals.
Aside from academics, East Wake Magnet High School offers students opportunities to participate in our competitive athletic programs and a thriving arts community, including our award-winning band, orchestra, theater arts, and chorus programs. Students can also access a wide variety of clubs to serve any interest.