Work-based learning (WBL) is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences.
Building a better Workforce: Partnering education and industry
See how Wake STEM Early College High School has been reinventing Work Based Learning Opportunities for students.

An internship is an experience in which a high school student takes a responsible role as a worker in a company or organization and then reflects on the experience. The Internship Program is a supplement to formal classroom instruction. Its intent is to significantly add to the vitality of the instructional program and to impact the courses that a student has taken or will take.
See what our 2024-25 internships looked like here:
Job Shadow
Whether you are a participating employer, educator, or volunteer host, participating in job shadowing is easy and fun. Job shadowing immerses each student in the world of work, where they can get first-hand information about job skills and careers. By bringing students into the workplace to see a marketing professional, a health care technician, or other professional at work, very real and tangible options come alive for them. Job shadowing provides exciting reasons why students should stay in school. It creates a critical link between education and success. Job shadowing is a popular work based learning activity because it provides students with opportunities to gather information on a wide variety of career possibilities before deciding where they want to focus their attention.
Support Work-Based Learning at Wake STEM
Interested in engaging with Wake STEM Early College High School students in the following Work-Based Learning Opportunities?
Please complete our Community Volunteer Form.
District C Teamship
District C Teamship is a novel internship experience that prepares students for modern work. Teams of students solve real problems for real businesses.
Pre-apprenticeship connects school-based learning with the workplace to integrate core and technical instruction. Pre-apprenticeships offer shorter training programs that allow students to explore an industry.
Mock Interview
The Mock Interview event provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their employability skills and communication skills in a simulated mock interview environment. Our business partners, parents and community partners serve as interviewers and provide critical feedback to help our students master the art of interviewing.
Guest Speakers
Providing our students with diverse speakers who share their experiences, knowledge and tips helps prepare our students to be career ready. Our active business advisory and community partners provide speakers who engage our students through the Career Readiness and Career Exploration Speaker Series. Speakers help our students connect what they are learning to their future career goals.