2024-2025 Scholarship Reporting Form

    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SCHOLARSHIP! Please use the scholarship reporting form to report all of the scholarships you have received this year. Please report the scholarship even if you don't plan on attending a particular school.

    College Acceptance Reporting Form

    Please share the colleges and universities to which you've been accepted! Whether or not you plan to attend, we want to celebrate all your achievements.

    Request for First Quarter Grades,  Midyear Report and Recommendations Form

    Note that not all colleges require the same information, so be sure to monitor your email to see if any follow-up documents are needed. If certain colleges require additional documents, please let me know by filling out the Google Form linked here: First Quarter Grades and Mid-Year Report Google Request Form
    Key Terms to Know
    • First Quarter Grades: Some universities may request to see your first quarter report card. While some schools allow students to self-report these grades, if they do not, please fill out the Google Form so that Ms. Moore can submit your report card on your behalf.
    • Mid-Year Report: This report includes a student’s first-semester grades. Colleges and universities may ask for a transcript with these grades, which is typically submitted by the school counselor.
    • Scholarship Recommendations - Some scholarships require a recommendation or school report form. Please complete the request form. Ms. Moore will be notified and complete the recommendation/school report form. Students will receive a notice when the recommendation is complete. Please contact Ms. Moore if needed.






    September 2024 - 2025 Scholarship Bulletin

    October 2024 - 2025 Scholarship Bulletin

    November 2024 -2025 Scholarship Bulletin

    December 2024 Scholarship Bulletin

    January 2025 Bulletin

    February 2025 Bulletin

    March 2025 Bulletin

    April 2025 Bulletin

    May 2025 Bulletin

    June 2025 Bulletin


    NC Admissions Data Chart

    NC College Universities Statistics

    NC College and Universities Admissions Information

    Brag Sheet for College Recommenders

    Brag Sheet

    Sending Test Scores to Colleges

    If you are sending scores, all colleges require SAT, ACT, and AP test scores to be sent directly from the College Board (SAT) or ACT. The Student Services office is unable to send test scores. If you are unsure whether to submit your test score to a college, contact them and ask what role it will play in admissions. 


    Residency Determination Service (RDS)

    All students planning to apply to colleges in North Carolina MUST complete the Residency Determination process through RDS (Residency Determination Service). This service will determine eligibility for in-state tuition and state grant awards. To learn more about RDS, and how it relates to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), read the Navigating RDS and the FAFSA tip sheet. After you complete this process, RDS will assign you a Residency Certification Number (RCN) that you will report to the NC colleges that you are applying to.


    Sending Counselor Statements and Recommendations

    Most colleges do not require or ask for a counselor's recommendation. It is the student’s responsibility to provide this information to the counselor. However, if one or more of your schools does require this, you need to complete a student recommendation personal profile form.

    Please allow at least two weeks for the counselor to complete the recommendation. Most of these statements are online and are completed through an email sent to the counselor that you provide to the college or via the Common Application program. Please make sure that you are providing the correct email address for your counselor (fmoore@wcpss.net)


    Transcripts are NOT sent with Counselor Statements. Students must request transcripts as outlined on the transcript page of this website.


    College Essay Tips

    - Admissions Essay Videos from Khan Academy
    ​- How to Write a College Essay
    Tips for Creating a Stellar College Essay
    Tips for Crafting Your Best College Essay
    Personal Statement Resources from the College Essay Guy
    How to Tell a Unique Story to Admissions
    The College Essay: How to Present Your Best Self
    Your teachers can also help, especially an English teacher.


    College Admissions Options

    1. Early Action is an admissions procedure to notify students of early admissions to the college. Students are not obligated to accept the college’s offer of admission.
    2. Early Decision is a plan under which candidates may submit credentials early to one college, usually by October 15 of the senior year. Applicants are notified of their status by December. As part of an early decision plan, students are required to sign a statement agreeing to accept the college’s offer of admission and must only apply to one school as Early Decision. Students must withdraw applications from other colleges if accepted under early decision.
    3. Regular Admission is the plan under which candidates submit credentials during November to February, depending on school deadlines.  Check the deadlines for each individual school.
    4. Rolling Admission is the plan under which candidates submit credentials at their convenience through a certain date, usually late in the year. They receive an offer of acceptance or denial within four to six weeks.
    5. Onsite Admission is an admissions option in which colleges visit students at the high school and make admissions decisions during a scheduled appointment with the student.


    College Admissions Keywords

    1. Offer of Conditional Acceptance is acceptance to a college provided candidates maintain academic performance throughout the year.  A college can withdraw its offer if grades fall significantly or if a student is involved in an activity that results in disciplinary action by the school or law enforcement. 
    2. Denial is a final decision by the college to not offer admission. Students who are denied can apply again after completing at least a semester of college coursework.
    3. Deferment is a delay of an admissions decision until a later time. Many competitive schools will defer fall applications to the spring in order to receive additional grades and other information.
    4. Waitlisting occurs after the regular admissions process is complete. There is no guarantee a college will be on the waitlist, or where students rank on the waitlist. Students on a waitlist for one college should plan to attend another college and then reconsider if offered admission at a later time.


    Reporting Discipline Issues to College

    Many colleges and businesses are requesting information regarding a student's suspension history. If a student received an out-of-school suspension while in high school, it is his or her responsibility to report these incidents to the college or university he or she plans to attend if this question appears on the admissions application. WECIB cannot supply the disciplinary record to colleges or businesses. That request must be made directly to the Student Due Process office. In addition, the Authorization for Release of Disciplinary Record form from the WCPSS Student Due Process office must be completed in order to release the suspension history to the college or business. Any questions can be directed to the Student Due Process office at 919-431-4303.


    NC Scholars Requirements

    Students who complete the requirements for an academically challenging high school program will be named North Carolina Academic Scholars and receive special recognition. If you meet the following requirements in addition to the standard graduation requirements, you will receive recognition as a NC Scholar:
              -   Physics or Chemistry
              -   2 Credits of a World Language
              -   3 Credits in Honors or AP classes taken in the Junior or Senior year
              -   Attain a 3.5 un-weighted GPA by the end of the 3rd quarter of the senior year


    Senior Honors

    All high schools will determine senior honors using this system based on the GPA at the end of the 1st Semester of the graduating year for students graduating at the end of eight semesters.  

    • Students with a 3.75 - 3.99 weighted grade point average shall receive the distinction of cum laude
    • Students with a 4.0 - 4.249 weighted grade point average shall receive the distinction of magna cum laude
    • Students with a 4.25 or higher weighted grade point average shall receive the distinction of summa cum laude

    If any student believes that their last semester of courses will impact their honors status, they can request a review their transcript and current grades. The deadline for submitting the review will be posted here. If final semester grades are likely to result in a new / different recognition, we will honor that recognition. Please note that updates to honors status will only be able to be changed in the graduation program up until a certain date as those are printed well before graduation. No student who earns graduation honors will have their status altered if their final GPA falls in the last semester of study. For students graduating midyear, we will use this same system for determining graduation honors using the weighted GPA from the last completed semester of study. The principal shall have final approval of honor designations.


    Senior Exam Exemptions

    Students in Grade 12 may be exempt from exams based on the following criteria:

    • Students must have a projected final grade of B or higher

    • Students must have 10 or fewer total absences (excused or unexcused) in the course.

    • Students cannot be exempt from state testing including field testing.

    • Students cannot be exempt from WTCC exams.


    The principal (consistent with GS 115C-288) has final authority to determine a student's exemption status.