• Food Resources: Click for WCPSS School Meals Website


    Internet Access

    Students can check out a hot spot for their home - please email Ms. Moore at fmoore@wcpss.net for more information.


    Computer Access

    • All students were eligible for laptops this year. Please talk with the Media Specialist, Katie Martin, if you have additional questions at cmartin@wcpss.net 
    • Kramden Institute: Offering free refrurbished computers to students in need: Call 919.293.1133 to schedule an appointment to pick up the comp



    Haven House - 919.833.3312 and website https://www.havenhousenc.org/


    Clothing Resources

    Please reach out to Ms. Moore for clothing resources at fmoore@wcpss.net



    Wake County Human Services (WCHS) 

    Wake County's Human Services Department helps citizens address a wide variety of needs and has multiple offices throughout Wake County. This website is an excellent start to exploring a vast array of supportive taxpayer-funded initiatives and programs in our local community. The telephone service hub can be reached at 919-212-7000.


    Alliance Health 

    Alliance Health is the Local Management Entity-Managed Care Organization that serves the citizens of Wake, Durham, Johnston, and Cumberland counties. They are the first and best point of contact for all behavioral healthcare needs for anyone with Medicaid, NC Health Choice, or who is uninsured. While they do not provide direct healthcare services, they do provide oversight and referrals to more than 2000 healthcare organizations and facilitate insurance and funding provisions for approved services. They operate a 24 hour Access and Support line at (800) 510-9132.


    United Way of the Greater Triangle 

    United Way of the Greater Triangle's mission is to eradicate poverty and increase social mobility for everyone across Wake, Durham, Orange, and Johnston counties. Another program that offers a wide array of services to the community through its partnerships with service providers, local businesses, and the citizens of this community. Their main phone line is 919-821-0790. They have a hotline that can quickly assess needs and direct you to appropriate services by dialing 211.


    Crisis Support

    In an emergency, you should always contact 911.  If you are concerned about a friend and their safety, you can call the non-emergency line of the city you live in (Raleigh, Fuquay, Cary Police, Morrisville Police or Apex Police) and they will go do a Wellness Check.

  • Local Resources

  • Counseling Resources

  • Suicide Prevention and Depression Resources

  • Local Support