Carpool Procedures
Procedures apply from 8:40—9:15 am & 3:50-4:20 pm
- Focus on traffic and student safety and limit cell phone use.
- Have your carpool tag out and visible.
- ENTER Fayetteville Street from Western Blvd and turn RIGHT into the carpool entrance. Stay close to the curb on Fayetteville street to allow buses and local traffic to pass. Cars may not turn left from Fayetteville Street into the carpool entrance.
- EXIT carpool making RIGHT turns only onto Fayetteville Street. Cars may take Keeter Drive through Walnut Terrace Apts to Wilmington Street or Prospect or Maywood to get to South Saunders Street.
- Enter the carpool lane on campus, cross the first speed bump on the hill, CARPOOL uses left lane & follow the left turn arrow to enter carpool. WALK UP traffic stays in the right lane, proceeds to the back of the building and parks by the cafeteria.
- AM Drop Off: Each car pulls up alongside the sidewalk. Students are ready to exit their car; you do not need to wait for a staff member to open your car door. Do not pull out and around other cars. Please wait for the car in front of you to pull off unless instructed by a staff member.
- Only drop off students along the curb, not the outside lane. Parking lots are not a student drop off area.
- Arrival begins at 8:50 am. Students must be in their classroom by 9:20am to be considered on time. Students arriving in carpool after 9:15 am must enter school with an adult and use the front entrance.
- PM Pick up: Pull up alongside the sidewalk with marked cones. Cars move out together in a line as the next group of cars pull in. Do not pull out and around other cars. Your child should open the door and quickly load. Staff and Safety Patrol are located in the loading areas to assist if needed.
- If your child needs assistance in buckling car seats, please pull up past the carpool lane so the carpool lane can continue to move.
- Students are not dismissed to families that park and walk up to the carpool area. Parent/Families will be redirected to the office for a student if they enter the carpool area on foot.
- Families may not drop off or pick up students on Fayetteville Street. Families who live in Walnut Terrace Apts can let their child out on Yeargin St. to cross with the crossing guard. Parking is permitted on Fayetteville Street in labeled areas if you intend to enter the school.
- Do not get out of your vehicle while waiting in the carpool lane to look for/pick up your child.
- Dismissal begins at 3:50 pm. Students that are not picked up by 4:20 pm will be escorted to the office where a photo ID is required in order to pick them up.
Students that will use carpool to go home on any given day need a carpool number. Complete the form below and a pair of carpool tags will be sent home with your student. This form can also be completed during the year if you need to update permission for adults that are allowed to use your carpool number and pick up your student(s). This form would not be used to identify adults that pick up a student from the office.
Carpool Number Application/Request Form