• Sophomore Year

    • Be in school every day!  Keep unnecessary absences to a minimum and always bring a note the day you return to school. 
    • Keep your grades up!  Remember that the grades you earn in high school are the ones that colleges will see when applying for admissions; show them your best work!
    • Use Power Schools to monitor grades.  Be sure to seek help from your teacher if you are struggling.
    • Take the PSAT and PLAN in October in order to be ready for the SAT and ACT.  Further information about these tests is found at www.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt and http://www.act.org/planstudent/.  
    • Counselors will visit sophomores in their English II classes each semester to go over transcripts and discuss planning for after high school.
    • Attend a College Fair to learn more about colleges and to speak with admissions officers.  Dates for the fall and spring college fairs will be on the announcements.
    • Continue attending a club or join a team.  Think about ways to hold a leadership role in the future.
    • Keep grades up, this is the year where students hopefully feel more comfortable and are able to really excel in their classes.
    • Create a resume of activities and awards during ninth and tenth grade; update it each year.  This will be very helpful for attaining a job and postsecondary planning.
    • In February/March of each year students will pick their classes for next year.  A Course Registration information Open House is held each year at this time for parents and students to learn more about course offerings.  Parents should help students identify courses they would be interested in, as well as see if there is a subject where they had success in tenth grade and may want to take an honors or AP course next year.