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2-26-24 Message from Principal Thomas

WFHS Principal Update - Week of February 26th

Good evening WFHS Students and Families,

Below you will find information regarding senior cap and gown orders, the new district clear bag rule, registration information and more.

Interims – Quarter 3 Interims will be distributed the week of February 26th.

ACT – The ACT exam will be given to all Juniors on February 29th. Students do not need to sign up for the exam.

For Seniors

The first delivery date of Graduation Regalia is Tuesday, March 19th. In order to guarantee delivery by the 19th, students need to place their order by this Friday, March 1st.

The second delivery date for Graduation Regalia is Monday, May 6th. In order to guarantee delivery date by May 6th, students need to place their order by Monday, April 22nd.

You can visit the following Jostens link for ordering information .

Wake County Public Schools Clear Bag Policy – As shared with families by WCPSS previously, a new clear bag policy will go into effect at WCPSS-Sponsored spectator events on high school campuses in order to increase safety beginning March 1st. As part of the new rule, spectators will be permitted to bring into events one clear bag no larger than 12” X 15” X 3” as well as

  • A small, clear clutch bag/wristlet:
  • Bags containing medically necessary items for that attendee’s assistance (e.g., oxygen tank): and
  • Diaper bags.

For rules and FAQs are available at Individuals attending events may be subject to searches of their belongings consistent with governing law and Board policies. Event entry may be dependent on the inspection of any items. Spectators carrying prohibited bags may be denied entry.

Student Services News

Counselors went to all English 3 classes on Wednesday of this past week to give 11th grade students information about graduation/promotion requirements, post-secondary planning and more. Linked is the presentation that was given

Registration for the 24-25 school year is just around the corner. 9th-11th graders were met with this past Monday to give them instructions on what registration will look like this year. You can view the presentations by grade level linked below. 

9th Grade-

10th Grade-

11th Grade-

Students will be given a paper copy of their course selection sheet, a copy of their credit detail sheet, and a copy of their teacher recommendations, during 2nd period on Monday 2/26. Our registration information is all posted on our website. Please sit down with your child and talk about what they should register for. 2024-2025 WFHS Registration 

​​​​​​​We will be hosting an AP Q&A session during 2nd period cougar paws on Tuesday 2/27. Students can sign up to attend at the link below (using their wake id). This session will be an opportunity for students to ask questions to a student panel regarding advanced placement classes taught at WFHS.


Melissa Thomas, Principal



March 5th – Teacher Workday

March 11th – Teacher Workday

March 25th-29th – Spring Break

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