
    Final Exam Information

    Per State Legislation--Final exams MUST be on the last five school days of the semester.   For the 2024-2025 school year, final exams will be January 13-17 (Fall Semester) and June 9-13 (Spring Semester). Students should plan on having exams on any/all of those dates.  Please plan appointments accordingly.  No Educational Leave requests will be approved for exam dates.

    Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule

    Parents who wish for their student to leave campus after being released from their testing session should complete this form and send it with the student on the day of testing.  This will authorize the student’s release following his/her dismissal from their testing session. Approximate times are listed below for each day.  ***A separate form will be required each day of testing as the form will be collected on testing day*** 

    Exam Day Early Release Form

    Printable Exam Early Release Form