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Principal's Weekly Message, 9-27-24

Greetings LRMS Families,

I hope all are safe and enjoying this day off due to inclement weather.  We are working to re-schedule the LIONS Breakfast as well as a few sporting events.  This weekly message will aim to give you the most updated information as schedules fluctuate throughout the year.


Here are your weekly updates:


1.  Next week is a four-day week of school for students.  Thursday, 10/3 is a Teacher Workday.



2.  Events Next Week:

  • Wednesday, 10/2, 3:15 - Art Portfolio Club
  • Wednesday, 10/3, 4pm - Football AWAY, @ Carroll Middle
  • Friday, 10/4, 1:30-3pm - Sixth Grade Social (during elective periods)
  • Friday, 10/4, 9-11pm - Eighth Grade Skate Night (at United Skates)



3.  October is Anti-Bullying Awareness Month.  Some of our LIONS Time lessons and initiatives will highlight the importance of anti-bullying.  Stay tuned for the following week when we will join with Wake County for the World Day of Bullying Prevention on October 7.



4.  Transportation Updates and Reminders:

  • Bus Route Change... There will be some shifts in three bus routes starting next week, 9/30.  Please see these route changes if your student currently rides Routes, 7, 8 or 10.
  • Carpool Safety... please help our teachers by adhering to their directions in Pride Way and in our circle each morning and afternoon.  We have had a few recent incidents of drivers trying to circumvent the adopted traffic pattern.  No students should be getting in or out of vehicles on Pride Way.  Our staff continues to try to expedite the safe arrival and dismissal of your students.  Thanks for your help.



5.  PTSA Updates:


Important Upcoming Dates

  • September 17 - October 6 - Fall Giving Campaign
  • October 4 - PTSA Board Mtg.
  • October 4  - 6th Grade Social - More details to come!

Join the PTA

Don't forget to join the PTSA for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Memberships can be purchased here.

We are always looking for volunteers.

Please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form so we can connect with you!  


No Fuss Fundraiser 

The Fall Giving Drive is going on until October 6th.  The competition is close as homerooms compete to win a pizza party.  Each grade will crown a winner with the highest total donations.   To donate use the envelope sent home with your student or go to the PTSA website and use the Fall fundraiser option that works for your family.  Thank you to everyone who has already donated and those that will.  You help build up our Leesville community


Your Donations Help!

Your donations helped us deliver food for our Instructional Assistants Appreciation Day and our 1st Teacher Workday. Thank you!




Volunteers needed for the 6th Grade Social on 10/4. We need your help to make the experience amazing for all of our 6th graders!  Visit the link here to sign up!





Are you part of the LIONS community and own or know of a business that would like to support our PTSA?

We are currently seeking Corporate Sponsors for the 24/25 school year. Your contribution can make a huge difference in enhancing the educational environment for our students. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please reach out to us at
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our LRMS Lions PTSA

Stock the Staff Lounge

Our teachers and staff have been working hard to get our school ready for your students. You can help fuel them through the fall with refreshments and treats in the staff lounge. Check out the Amazon Wishlist to have coffee and snacks sent directly to the school. Similar items from any store can be brought to the front office as well.



The LRMS PTSA relies on the generous donations from our local business community to fund events and programs throughout the year. Please support these businesses and thank them in-person or via their social media accounts. 

Our LRMS 2024-2025 Sponsors:

Jack Rabbit Signs
Gladwell Orthodontics 
Carolina Braces
Salt & Lime Cabo Grille

Brier Creek Orthodontics

Wells Family Dental Group 





Have a great weekend,
Chris Cox, Principal