Principal's Weekly Message, 8-23-24
LRMS Families,
It was great to see so many of you at LIONS Camp and Walk-the-Schedule today! We look forward to seeing all of our Lions on-campus for the first day of school on Tuesday. Here are a few quick updates and reminders:
1. Here is the District's Family Message from earlier in the week. It includes relevant information about all the following topics:
- WCPSS Student Handbook
- Transportation and the new Bus Delay System
- School Meals, Prices and Applying for Free Meals
- Safety and the new Anonymous Reporting System
- Vaccination Requirements
- Renewing Volunteer Status
- School Devices and Technology Resources
2. Please be patient with the buses at the outset of the school year. Times may vary as our drivers navigate their multiple routes each morning and afternoon. Here are our ten routes and the anticipated start times of each. For families that use the bus, I recommend saving the Live Bus Updates link on your phone or web browser.
3. The first value statement at Leesville Road Middle reads, "We will maintain a safe and respectful environment focused on learning." We will be reviewing all of our "LIONS Expectations" and policies with students throughout next week, but I wanted to draw your attention to one policy in this space. Below are the general expectations related to personal electronic devices and cell phones. If your student is allowed to bring a phone to school, it should generally be silent and out-of-sight from bell-to-bell.
- Personal Devices, Including Cell Phones should cause no disruptions, distractions or unsafe environments during the instructional day (8:15am – 3pm). Students are expected to comply with the WCPSS Code of Conduct (Board Policy 3225 Technology Responsible Use).
- Teachers have permission to set the standard for personal device use within the walls of their classrooms. Some lessons may allow for the use of personal devices/headphones.
- Cell phones should be left in the classroom or placed on the teacher’s desk when leaving class for the restroom. If given to the teacher, it will be returned once the student returns.
- Cell phones should not be visible in the hallways. One earbud/airpod may be worn in the hallway, but students should always be able to hear and acknowledge staff and their surroundings out of respect and to ensure safety.
- The school system assumes no responsibility for personal devices brought to school.
4. To 6th Grade Families - First, if you were not able to make it to LIONS Camp, we will be distributing Chomebooks in homeroom classes as quickly as possible. It may take several days, but we will expedite this distribution. (Our Tech Contact is our Media Specialist, Ms. Bussell -
Secondly, we have some space opening up in two popular electives. If you're interested in either of the opportunities listed below, please email Mrs. McCallister for a schedule adjustment (
Coding in Minecraft Intro & Intermediate - Design algorithms using the Minecraft platform. Investigate how to determine the outcome of running a series of programming statements. Perform the process of debugging and resolving problems in algorithms. Explore the knowledge and skills for careers in the Computer Science, IT, and Technology pathways. Introductory Develop programs in the Minecraft platform with block-based coding and using MakeCode. Build programs that utilize variables, logic statements, and loops. Produce a program that effectively solves a problem. Explore the knowledge and skills for careers in the Computer Science, IT, and Technology pathways
- Exploring Nutrition & Wellness/Exploring Childcare - Gain an understanding of the impact of choices on wellness by examining the current USDA Food Guidelines. Practice nutritious meal planning and preparation. Explore basic kitchen skills, safety needs, and sanitation. Gain the knowledge and skills for careers in hospitality and tourism or human services. Investigate children's development from birth to age seven. Practice basic care of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, discuss proper nutrition, understand how to prevent accidents, and how to use positive guidance while working with children. Illustrate the importance of well-prepared and trained babysitters and how to prepare for the diverse responsibility of being a babysitter. Gain the knowledge and skills for careers in early childhood education.
5. North Carolina Schools are required to send a message to families before the start of the school year on child abuse and neglect. That message is below:
NC Legislators passed a law last year that requires all secondary schools across the state to inform students in grades 6-12 each year about important resources related to child abuse and neglect. It also requires schools to have this information posted in each middle and high school.
This document contains important information and resources available in our community. WCPSS is committed to the safety and well-being of children in our community. If you have any questions about this information, please reach out to your school social worker, SAP, or school counselor.
6. PTSA Updates:
Important Upcoming Dates |
Join the PTA |
Please join the PTSA for the 2024-2025 school year. Memberships can be purchased here or at Lion's Camp/Walk the Schedule on Friday.
Spirit Wear |
Come check out our Spirit Wear at Friday's Lion's Camp or Walk the Schedule. You can also order via our online store.
Sponsorships |
Are you part of the LIONS community and own or know of a business that would like to support our PTSA? We are currently seeking Corporate Sponsors for upcoming events and would love for you to get involved. Your contribution can make a huge difference in enhancing the educational environment for our students. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please reach out to us at
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our LRMS Lions PTSA
Our 2024-2025 LRMS Sponsors |
The LRMS PTSA relies on the generous donations from our local business community to fund events and programs throughout the year. Please support these businesses and thank them in-person or via their social media accounts.
Our LRMS 2023-2024 Sponsors:
Have a great weekend,
Chris Cox, Principal