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Principal's Weekly Message, 8-16-24

LRMS Families,

It's hard to believe the school year has almost arrived!  We're excited to have our teachers back in the building this week, and we hope to see all of our students on-campus for LIONS Camp or Walk-the-Schedule on Friday. The first day of school is Tuesday, August 27. 


Remember, you will receive regular updates at the end of each week via email and text.  You can adjust your preferences here.  Here are a few weekly updates:



1.  If you missed the LRMS Opening Letter with all the pertinent dates and details, you can access that here.



2.  Sixth Graders should plan to attend LIONS Camp on Friday morning, August 23.  REGISTER HERE.  Details below:


On Friday August 23, 2024 from 8:30-11:30a Leesville Road Middle School will host our annual 6th grade LIONS Camp. Beginning at 8:30a parents and students will have the opportunity to visit the team pod and classrooms and meet core teachers.  Light refreshments will be provided for students. Once camp begins around 9a parents will attend a separate parent presentation and will rotate through a series of stations where they can sign-up for PowerSchool, pick up their child's school-issued Chromebook, and purchase Leesville spiritwear. Students will participate in a variety of team-building activities at this time with their new classmates and teachers. All students will need to be picked up at 11:30a from the carpool loop in front of the school. 



3.  Seventh and Eighth Grade Families are welcome to "Walk-the-Schedule" any time between 12:30 and 2:30pm on Friday, August 23.  Plan to meet your teachers, see your classmates, purchase LRMS gear and visit any of the food trucks we've invited!  



4.  Leesville Road Middle's bus routes for 2024-25 are listed here.  If you need to register a bus rider or request updates to your bus stop, please use the form embedded at this link.



5.  Have you made your spiritwear purchases yet?  Avoid the lines at the PTSA table this Friday by purchasing in advance!  Here's the online store.



Have a great weekend,
Chris Cox, Principal