Principal's Weekly Message, 5-10-24
LRMS Families,
Here are your Weekly Updates:
1. Next week is a five-day week of school.
2. Events next week:
- Monday, 5/13, 4pm - Softball HOME, vs. Wakefield (last game!)
- Tuesday, 5/14 3pm - American Heart Association Open Gym Event (contact: Coach Markham)
- Wednesday, 5/15, 7am - National Junior Honor Society
- Wednesday, 5/15, 3:15pm - Art Portfolio Club
- Wednesday, 5/15, 5pm - 2024-25 Athletics Meeting for Interested 6th/7th Graders and Families
- Thursday, 5/16, 6pm - Orchestra Club Concert
- Friday, 5/17, 7-9pm - Eighth Grade Dance
3. Students in Grades 6th through 8th will take the EOG/ EOC State Test at the end of this school year. The EOG/C testing window begins May 30th and continues until the end of the year. The main testing days is scheduled as follows:
Thursday May 30th → 8th Grade Science
Tuesday June 4th → 6th Math/7th ELA
Wednesday June 5th → 8th Math/Math 1 /6th ELA
Thursday June 6th → 7th Math/8th ELA
Should your child meet the criteria for our EOG/EOC Remediation and Readministration program you will receive an invitation for your child to attend the program after the EOG/ EOC testing window closes for our school on June 10th. For your planning purposes, the re-testing dates for the end of the school year are: June 13th and June 14th (Teacher Workdays). Please be aware this is an opt-in program and participation is completely voluntary. Transportation for base students will be provided, and breakfast and lunch will be available.
4. There are only THIRTY Yearbooks remaining for purchase. Go to to order.
5. From Mrs. Casterline:
6. Family Survey... Have you completed the District's family survey yet? Remember, this information is hugely beneficial to our leadership team as we consider your level of connection to LRMS. Please take a few minutes to submit your feedback sometime this week!
7. For all current 6th and 7th graders interested in athletics for next year, there is an important meeting scheduled for families in the gym at 5pm on Wednesday, May 15. Our Athletic Director will explain the registration and eligibility process as well as navigating the website and Dragonflymax. There will also be an opportunity to meet with several of our coaches. Please join us!
8th Grade Dance Tickets ON SALEThe 8th grade dance will be May 17, from 7pm-9pm. Tickets are $10 and ON SALE NOW in the school store (link). The Theme is Bright Lights City Nights and suggested attire is semi-formal. Snacks are included in the $10 ticket price. Tickets MUST be purchased in advance by EOD Thursday, May 16. No exceptions. The PTSA is collecting donated tickets for students needing financial assistance. Donate a ticket here.
Summer is coming and it's time to get your tank tops and short sleeve tees. Good news - our warm weather gear is up to 40% off for the month of May! Head over to the LRMS store and grab your size in your favorite design before they are gone.
Chris Cox, Principal