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Principal's Weekly Message, 4-26-24

LRMS Families,

Here are you Weekly Updates:


1.  Next week is a four-day week for students.  Monday, April 29 is a Teacher Workday.



2. Events next week:

  • Monday, 4/29 - Teacher Workday
  • Tuesday, 4/30, 8:30am - International Peace Run visits LRMS (Sixth Grade only)
  • Tuesday, 4/30, 4pm - Boys Soccer HOME, vs. Durant
  • Tuesday, 4/30, 4pm - Softball AWAY, @ Wakefield
  • Wednesday, 5/1, 4pm - Dual Track Meet HOME, vs. Wakefield and Durant
  • Wednesday, 5/1, 7pm - Spring Dance Concert #1 (at the high school auditorium)
  • Thursday, 5/2, 4pm - Softball HOME, vs. West Millbrook
  • Thursday, 5/2, 4pm - Sixth Grade Dance Concert (at the high school auditorium)
  • Thursday, 5/2, 7pm - Spring Dance Concert #2 (at the high school auditorium)
  • Friday, 5/3, 3-5pm - LMAC End-of-Year Social (for all LRMS athletes from 2023-24)
  • Friday, 5/3, 4pm - Softball AWAY, @ Carroll



3. Family Survey... Have you completed the District's family survey yet?  Remember, this information is hugely beneficial to our leadership team as we consider your level of connection to LRMS.  Please take a few minutes to submit your feedback sometime this week!



4.  Dress Code Reminders... Parents and Families - please help us by encouraging your students to dress appropriately for school each day.  We have seen a slight increase in our need to prompt students to make adjustments to their attire at school.  I am including the abbreviated list of WCPSS Dress Code guidelines here.



5. SSA Updates... Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Testing will take place next Wednesday 5/1/24 - Friday 5/3/24. All students nominated within the test request window have been added to the Canvas testing course and should have received a confirmation email from Mrs. Maley this afternoon - if not please feel free to reach out for more information: 



6.  PTSA Updates:


LRMS PTSA would love your help with Teacher Appreciation Week, coming up May 6-10! Check out the SignUp link to contribute! Thank you!
Another way to show love to our LRMS staff is via our Amazon Wishlist for lounge snacks:

Donate to the LRMS Book Swap! Bring your gently-used, middle school appropriate books for our school-wise book swap now through May 13th. Drop them off in the designated box in your pod or bring them to the Media Center.

The Book Swap will happen May 15th & 16th.


If you can help with collecting and sorting books for the Book Swap, sign up as a volunteer here.




The LRHS Football team is having a Golf Tournament fundraiser this summer to support the football program.  Here's the flyer.





Have a great weekend!

Chris Cox, Principal