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Principal's Weekly Message, 2-23-24

LRMS Families,

Here are your weekly updates:


1.  Next week is a five-day week of school.



2.  Events next week:

  • Monday, 2/26, 3pm - Boys Track Tryouts Begin (softball and boys soccer tryouts continue)
  • Wednesday, 2/28, 3:15pm - Art Portfolio Club
  • Wednesday, 2/28, 7pm - LRMS Band Pre-Festival Concert
  • Friday, 3/1, 8:30am - LIONS Breakfast #5 (by invitation only)


3.  Leesville plans to launch Science Olympiad next school year.  In the meantime, we have decided to host a "Mini-Science-Olympiad" this spring to give our students a taste of this engaging, competitive club.  The main event will be Saturday, April 20 here at the school.  Here is the flyer from Mrs. Maley with a QR code to sign-up:

LRMS Mini-Science Olympiad 2024


We are also in need of parent volunteers for this event!  We will host a student interest meeting next week and Mrs. Maley will host a parent info session virtually the first week in March. Reach out to her for more information:


If you want to learn more about Science Olympiad, here is the link from NC State with more details:



4.  For 8th graders planning to attend Leesville High, the choir director, Ms. Dickens is hopeful you'll consider joining Chorus for next year:


Leesville Chorus Informational Video
Please share our website: There is a section devoted to Rising 9th Grade Students
5.  See note below from AIG Coordinator, Mrs. Maley:
The Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) Nomination window is April 1-April 12 (the link for the nomination form will go live beginning at 7am on 4/1). All SSA testing will take place from April 22-May 6. Specific information will be shared with families of students that are nominated before then. If you are interested in nominating your child for the 2024-2025 school year, please see Mrs. Maley's website: and the WCPSS SSA website for more information:  Mrs. Maley will host an SSA Virtual Parent Information Meeting on Thursday 3/7 beginning at 5:30pm. The link to that meeting will be shared closer to that date. If you are unable to attend the meeting, it will be recorded and added to her website the following day. 
6.  See Charleston trip updates for 8th grade from Mrs. Ricciuti and Mr. Russell:
- If all payments have not been made for trip please do so ASAP!
- Student meeting for Charleston will be held during school on 2/27. Students will choose roommates and receive permission slips.
- Student permission slips will be due by Friday 3/8.  Even if your student has paid but not permission slip is turned in by due date, they can NOT attend!!!
- Parent meeting Wednesday 3/6 at 6 pm in the Media Center.  Thanks!
7.  PTSA Updates:
  • Thursday February 29th - Last day of Wake Up and Read Book Drive, see details here
  • Friday March 1st - LIONS Breakfast, 8:30-9:30am; by invitation
  • Monday March 11th - No School, Teacher Workday


Cookies for Our Counselors

For Counsellor Appreciation Week, the PTSA made sure to shower our LRMS counsellors with some sweet treats from Crumbl Cookies. They were also treated to lunch, as well as receiving a goodie bag and appreciation t-shirt. Thank you for all that you do, Ms. McCallister, Mr. Thomas, and Ms. Leonce!



Treating LRMS Staff

The PTSA delivered their January Staff Treat on Friday 1/26. Every staff member at Leesville Middle received a full-sized Hershey’s chocolate bar adorned with a special Lions logo label defining “Teachers”…made by one of our PTA parent volunteers! 

“A Teacher is a multi-tasking educational rockstar who lives to inspire and loves to encourage…They’re kind of a big deal!”

Here’s to our teachers and staff! All the best to you from your PTSA!



Donate to Lion Locker

Leesville Lion Locker is what we call our backpack buddies program. We sent a small bag of groceries (a few meals, snacks, breakfasts, and drinks) home with students on the weekends and longer breaks from school (families determined by our social worker). We have a limited budget to last them all year, so your donations could really help beef up the bags.

If you'd like to help keep our students' bellies full, visit the Lion Locker Amazon Wishlist and select the option to send food directly to LRMS or purchase similar products and bring them to the front office. Thank you!



Stock the Staff with Snacks

If you'd like to donate snacks to perk up our teachers and staff, visit our Stock the Staff Lounges Amazon Wishlist here. You can choose to directly send items to the school or you can bring in similar items to the school yourself.



Our 2023-2024 LRMS Sponsors

The LRMS PTSA relies on the generous donations from our local business community to fund events and programs throughout the year. Please support these businesses and thank them in-person or via their social media accounts. 


Our LRMS 2023-2024 Sponsors:

GOLDJack Rabbit SignsGladwell Orthodontics Carolina BracesSalt & Lime Cabo Grille

SILVERWake Orthodontics & Pediatric DentistryBrier Creek OrthodonticsChampion Orthodontics Duck Donuts 

BRONZEWells Family Dental Group Peck’s TaekwondoManchesters GrilleCampbell Orthodontics




Have a great weekend,

Chris Cox, Principal