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Principal's Weekly Message, 5-5-23

Lions Families,

First of all, thanks for your patience and understanding as our District navigated a social media threat from Thursday.  We realize that many of you chose not to send your students to campus today, and we respect your choices as families.  My own family and I had discussions last night about school safety and whether to attend school today.  Thankfully, operations continued "as normal."  I want to encourage all of you that we will continue working together to prioritize safe operations and open communication with WCPSS Security and, in turn, our LRMS families.  I have tried to respond to all of your individual inquiries over the last 24 hours, and I will always try to respond promptly with the information that I am able to provide.  No one wants to think about the potential for school violence, but it is a necessary reality for us as school leaders and stakeholders to be prepared and ensure the safest possible schools for our children.  Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.


Secondly, THANK YOU.  Our staff certainly felt loved these last few days throughout Teacher Appreciation Week.  Thanks to the PTSA volunteers and all who gave their time and resources. 


On to the weekly updates:



1.  Next week is a five-day week for students.  Please note that Tuesday, May 9 is an Early Release Day (student dismissal will start at 1pm).



2.  This is the final week to give us your feedback in the Panorama Family Survey.  Remember to fill out one survey for each school that your children attend in Wake County.  The Leesville Middle response rate could really use a boost!



3.  Events Next Week:

  • Monday, May 8, 4pm - Softball HOME, vs. Durant
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Early Release Day (Dismissal at 1pm)
  • Wednesday, May 10, 4pm - Track AWAY, @ Wakefield
  • Thursday, May 11, 4pm - Softball AWAY, @ Wakefield
  • Thursday, May 11, 4pm - Boys Soccer HOME, vs. Wakefield
  • Friday, May 12 - LIONS Breakfast (by invitation only)



4.  End-of-Year Testing and Other Events:

  • Friday, May 19 - Eighth Grade Dance
  • Friday, May 26 - Science EOG (8th Grade Only)
  • Wednesday, May 31 - EOG Testing (all students)
    • 6th Grade - Math
    • 7th Grade - Reading
    • 8th Grade - Math 8 or Math 1
  • Thursday, June 1 - EOG Testing (all students)
    • 6th Grade - Reading
    • 7th Grade - Math
    • 8th Grade - Reading 
  • June 2-6 - EOG Make-up Testing
  • Wednesday, June 7 - 8th Grade Carnival (afternoon)
  • Thursday, June 8, 8:30am - Eighth Grade Celebration Ceremony
  • Friday, June 9, TBD - 6th and 7th Grade Awards Ceremonies
  • June 12, 13 - Teacher Workdays with EOG Remediation/Re-Testing



5.  PTSA Updates:


Important Dates

  • May 8:  District 7 BAC Meeting (at Sycamore Creek ES, 6:30pm)
  • May 9:  Early Release
  • May 10: Last day of BOGO Book Fair
  • May 12: Last day to purchase 8th grade dance tickets
  • May 19: 8th Grade Dance (7pm-9pm)
  • May 25: PTSA End of Year Celebration (Leesville Tap Room, 5:30-7:00pm)
  • May 29: Memorial Day Holiday
  • June 7:  8th Grade Carnival


Staff Appreciation Week Re-Cap

Our LRMS staff were Happy Campers after this weeks fun filled camping themed Staff Appreciation Week! 
The PTSA treated our staff with delicious meals catered by The Flying Biscuit Cafe, Chick-fil-A, Dickey's BBQ, Salt and Lime Cabo Grill and The Leesville Tap Room. In addition to the meals the staff enjoyed a fun trail mix bar and special raffles each day! 
Thanks to the generosity of our LRMS parents we were also able to gift every staff member with a $10 gift card to Target!  Special thanks to Crumble Cookie six forks location, Publix Supermarket, Relish, RushHour Karting, Sola Coffee Cafe, The Flying Biscuits and The Violet Cottage for their generous donations.
Thank you to everyone who made our deserving staff feel appreciated this week. 
8th Grade Dance

8th Grade Dance tickets are on sale NOW for $10

Online ticket sales are available until May 12th. 

 In-person tickets sales Wed 5/3-Fri 5/12 during homeroom. Look for the PTSA table at the main staircase.

Do not wait until the last minute because we will NOT sell tickets at the door. Also, tickets are not refundable even if you lose the privilege due to behavior

Thank you to the many people that have signed up to volunteer to help make our 8th grade dance a night to remember we are still looking for a few helpers. 

Sign Up to Volunteer



BOGO Book Fair is Being Extended!

The BOGO Book Fair is being extended! Students may shop until 9:00am on Wednesday, May 10th!

If you can help Ms. Bussell man the register, signup HERE!



End of Year Celebration

Please join us May 25, 5:30-7:00, for an end of the year celebration at Leesville Tap RoomFood and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.
Enjoy a time with parents and staff as we wrap up the year! We will also vote on the 2023-2024 LRMS PTSA Slate of Officers. (Please see below) Hope to see you there!
2023-2024 LRMS PTSA Slate of Officers
President: Colleen Steetman
Treasurer: Lauren Noyes
Secretary: Cat Wilborne
VP Academics: Wendy Teeter
VP Fundraising: Kellie Macdonald 
VP School Activities: Jenn Anderson
VP Communications: Kyla Cragg



8th Grade Carnival

The 8th Grade Carnival will be Wednesday, June 7th!

We will serve a pizza lunch from 11AM-12PM, then move on to games from 12-2:30PM. We want to make the celebration a blast but we need a lot of help.

We are asking for donations of waters, chips, and mandarin oranges for the lunch. We would like to borrow your red or white pop- up tents, corn hole set, giant Jenga, and any other fun games. Finally, we need a lot of volunteers to serve pizza and then run each of the game stations to make sure the event flows well and the kids have a great time.

During the Carnival Clean Up we will start the Set up for the Promotion and Awards Celebration that will be held the next morning! Sign up to volunteer and help make it a great celebration. 

Sign Up to Help with the Carnival



End of Year Media Center Announcements

  • Last day for students to check out books will be May 25th.
  • All library books will be due on June 5th.
  • All 8th graders will be required to turn in their school issued Chromebooks after EOGs. They will get brand new devices when they begin 9th grade.
  • Volunteers are needed to help with the Media Center Book Inventory. Sign up here.  


LRMS PTSA Volunteer Survey 2023-24 School Year

LRMS PTSA is looking to fill dozens of volunteer openings for the PTSA Board and committees for the 2023-2024 school year. We need parent volunteers to run several programs including the Winter Dance, teacher appreciation events, 6th grade social, 8th grade dance/carnival/awards, Honor Roll Breakfast, Character Breakfast and many more programs.

Stuffed Animal Drive

The PTSA is sponsoring a collection drive for The Ronald McDonald House and WakeMed Pediatrics. Your donations will provide comfort and support for children and teens while they are patients at WakeMed.
Please drop off new stuffed animals and family-style games at the LMS front desk. Thank you so much for your support!



Have a great weekend,

Chris Cox, Principal