• Rules & Procedures

Bus Screening Procedures

  • Through a one-time health screening attestation form, parents/guardians commit to screening their students at home every day before they go to the bus stop or board a school bus. Parents/guardians attest that they will not send their student to school if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19, have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, are experiencing a symptom of COVID-19, or are running a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher.

    Submit the one-time form online, or download a PDF of the form, at www.wcpss.net/busform.

    All students riding a bus or vendor transportation must wear a face covering unless they have an approved accommodation for medical reasons.  

    After arriving at school, all bus riders will be asked the symptom screening checklist questions and have their temperature taken at school, before being allowed to enter the building. All bus riders will be instructed to use designated entrances only.


    FYI: At this time, bus screenings will NOT be required at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Administration will keep you updated on any changes with bus screenings.