Prom Dress Code and Behavior
The junior class will sell tickets to juniors and seniors who wish to attend the Prom. Each junior or senior who is not suspended or pending a long-term suspension at the time of the Prom may purchase up to two tickets. Any student who has been suspended for 5 or more days during the school year is not able to attend the prom. Guests may not be older than 20. Students who wish to bring a guest who does not attend Garner must submit the appropriate paperwork for approval. Tickets will be sold at lunch and after school. Students who lose their tickets will be denied entrance to the Prom. Gentlemen should be dressed in formal attire (tuxedo and appropriate accessories). Hats or head coverings (including derbies and top hats) may not be worn inside. Ladies should be dressed in formal attire as well. Dresses may be strapless or backless with straps, sleeved or sleeveless, or have spaghetti straps, one strap or halter strap. Dresses may NOT be both strapless and backless or expose excessive midriff or cleavage.