Support Services
Student Support Services provides systems and structures for learning and teaching for all students and supports interventions to overcome barriers to learning.
The vision of SSS is of a place and service where systems and structures work together. The success of every student is a shared priority and staff effectively supports schools in using data to make decisions such that our model sets an example for the state and the nation. SSS processes are developed collaboratively with the end in mind to ensure continuity from the beginnings of differentiation throughout the continuum of intervention alignment to intensive interventions. SSS staff values the history of WCPSS and uses our cultural knowledge to honor the past and as a building block to the future. SSS envisions a future where we have addressed the learning needs of each student so well that suspensions, absenteeism, and drop-outs are a thing of the past. All students meet or exceed grade level expectations, and schools smoothly adjust instruction and services to see this come to fruition. The data that help school professionals make the best decisions for each student are readily available and understood by all.