The First C is for Communication!

Read Our Newest Edition!

Archived Editions

  • Our Students are leading the communication forefront this year!  We have taken up the challenge to produce a student lead newspaper to let our students experience first hand an authentic way to learn the importance of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.  We decided a news publication woould be a great way to start!

    Our student staff is off to a great start!  We have some of the hardest working writers in the business, dedicated to sharing the news at Aversboro.  We have been working on developing news departments, learning about copy editors, section editors and deadlines.  We hope to see our readers increase as our issues hit the press!  Please keep checking on our progress and keep reading!

  • Sydney Jenness

  • Greyson Cooper

  • Terrance Young Blackwell

  • Shamar Jones

  • Kristal Sanchez-Rodgriguez

  • Caden Crigler

  • Brayden Bagwell

  • Addison Brown

  • Jasmine Williams

  • Braylen McRae