At East Garner Magnet Middle School, we offer four language acquisition tracks:
- Mandarin Chinese
- French
- Spanish
- Spanish for Heritage Learners
The study of additional languages in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) provides students with the opportunity to develop insights into the features, processes and craft of language and the concept of culture, and to realize that there are diverse ways of living, viewing and behaving in the world.
MYP language acquisition is a compulsory component of the MYP in every year of the programme. All ninth and tenth grade students are required to enroll in sustained language learning in at least two languages for each year of the MYP.
Language and identity
Learning to communicate in a variety of ways is fundamental to students’ identity affirmation.
What is the significance of language acquisition in the MYP?
The ability to communicate in a variety of modes, in more than one language, is essential to the concept of an international education. The language acquisition course provides a linguistic and academic challenge for students in order to facilitate the best possible educational experience.
Students are given the opportunity to develop their language skills to their full potential, as well as the possibility of progressing through various phases over the course of the MYP.
How is language acquisition structured in the MYP?
In this subject group, teaching and learning is organized into six phases. The phases do not correspond to particular age groups or MYP year levels. Students do not necessarily begin in phase one – they can begin at any phase, depending on their prior experiences, and may exit from any phase on the continuum. At Garner Magnet High School, student may take Chinese, French, or Spanish as a second language.