Meet the Counselors
Felicia Moore 11th and 12th Graders
Dean of Students/Counselor919.335.1334 or fmoore@wcpss.net
James Gross 9th and 10th Graders
School Counselor919.335.1351 or jgross@wcpss.net
We are here to partner with students to support their personal, social, academic, and post-secondary needs. Throughout the school year, we will be available for student-led appointments during the school day, as well as parent meetings as requested by email. Additionally, as academic and social emotional learning needs arise, I can reach out to students and families for support. We are here to support parents as they navigate the high school experience with their child and all the joys and challenges that come along with it.
Scheduling Appointments
Click to make an appointment on Ms. Moore's Google Calendar Ms. Moore Google Calendar
Click to make an appointment on Mr. Gross' Google Calendar - Mr. Gross Google Calendar
Students can make appointments to see counselors during the school day by using Google Calendar. Students use Google Calendar to see when appointments are available and schedule an appointment that best fits their schedule. Students should not make appointments during the times they are scheduled to have a test or quiz in their class. Once they have made an appointment, they have to show their phone to the teacher and the teacher will allow them to report to the main office. If a student doesn’t have a phone, they can report to the main office to make an appointment and get a pass to show to their teacher at the time of their appointment.
Parent Appointments: Parents must email their child's counselor directly to set up an appointment. 9th and 10th grade parents email Mr. Gross at jgross@wcpss.net and 11th and 12th grade parents email Ms. Felicia Moore at fmoore@wcpss.net . PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP FOR APPOINTMENTS ON THE GOOGLE CALENDAR.