Athens Drive At a Glance
- Comprehensive high school, grades 9-12
- Opened in 1978
- Community school- public library in the high school
- Traditional Calendar
- Block Schedule- 4 period day
- Hours: 7:25 am - 2:18 pm
- Current number of students: 2070
- Became a magnet school in 2016
- Magnet Theme: Medical Sciences and Global Health Initiatives
- 184 Faculty and Staff
- 28 National Board Certified Teachers
- 32% of faculty have advanced degrees
- 55% of faculty have been at Athens Drive for 10 or more years
What is our magnet theme?
What is our magnet theme?
Medical science is the scientific study of the maintenance of health and treatment of disease. There are several areas and specialties of medical science. Medical science is multi-faceted, interdisciplinary, and includes many branches of medicine.
Global health is the scientific study of health in the global population context. It is defined as the areas of study, research, and practice that place a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Our magnet theme also encompasses One Health, the interdisciplinary study of inter-related human, animal, and environmental health.
Global health initiatives are often tied to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the innovative strategies required to meet the SDGs.Learn more about our magnet theme here:
How is the magnet theme experienced at Athens Drive?
Athens Drive Magnet High School is an embedment magnet model. Every student at Athens Drive receives the magnet theme curriculum in every class.
Learn more about how our magnet theme is experienced:
Students interested in a career in health and/or science professions will be interested in this new magnet theme. The magnet theme is present in every classroom. There is also the opportunity to join the Health Science Career Academy and/ or the STEM academy as an incoming freshman. Community partnerships will offer hands-on learning opportunities for all students. Our enthusiasm for the magnet theme is palpable. We utilize project-based learning to offer relevant, dynamic curriculum for all students.
Thematic Elements of Medical Sciences and Global Health Initiatives
Medical Science opportunities include:
- Pharmaceutical science
- Veterinary medicine
- Agricultural sciences
- Health Sciences
- Emergency Medicine
- One Health
Global Health at Athens Drive focuses on:
- Making connections within the core and elective classes to investigate solutions for improving the health of all people worldwide.
- Analyzing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and implementing standards-connected strategies to meet these goals.
Additional Academic Opportunities- Academies at the Drive
Academic and Industry Partnerships
We are located inside the beltline and minutes from Research Triangle Park and major universities. Our preferred location sets the stage for unique, extensive professional, and academic collaborations. Our students engage in presentations, job shadowing, internships, and research with prestigious corporations and universities. We are fortunate to have strong community support for our school.
We work closely with our Partners and Community Collaborators to create:
- Professional development
- Curriculum design
- Student enrichment
- Job shadowing and internship opportunities
- Faculty externships
- Expert speakers
A few of our Athens Drive Partners and Community Collaborators include:
- NIEHS (National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences)
- UNC–Worldview
- One Health Commission
- WakeMed hospital
- Biogen
- NC Public Health Lab
- Triangle Global Health Consortium
- NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine
- Duke Energy
Athens Drive Partnerships in Action:
NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine
ADMHS Faculty work with NCSU CVM and NIEHS to learn about antimicrobial resistance
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences
NIEHS Environmental Factor: Local High School turns to NIEHS to develop magnet curriculum
NIEHS Environmental Factor: Environmental Health a Hot Topic for Students
NC Electric Cooperatives
Cary Orthopaedics
High School Interns Learn Patient Care Behind-The-Scenes at Cary Orthopaedics
Awards and Achievements
- 2024 Donald P. Simpson Award Recipient by Magnet Schools of America (#1 Magnet School in America)
- 2024 Magnet Schools of America School of Excellence
- 2023 Magnet Schools of America School of Excellence
- 2022 Magnet Schools of America School of Distinction
- 2020 Magnet Schools of America School of Distinction
- 2019 Magnet Schools of America School of Excellence: New and Emerging
- 2018 Magnet Schools of America School of Distinction: New and Emerging
- 2016-2019 Wake Ed Partnership- Shane Barry- PBL coach, Summer STEM lead, Star of Education
- 2017 Poe Center for Health Education- Educator of the Year- Tonya Hinton
- 2019 - 2020 Yearbook: Received the National Scholastic Press Association’s top rating of All-America
- 2018 Wake Ed Partnership Summer STEM Externships awarded to Alicia Hatmaker (social studies) and Joseph Flory (math) for cross-curricular PBL support in epidemiology and emerging diseases in history
- 2017 Wake Ed Partnership Externships awarded to Sherry Wantz (Biogen), Madison Shope (Biogen), Ross Kennel (NCSU ASSIST RET), Logan Caldwell (NCSU ASSIST RET), Liz Luna (SAS/Cisco), Ryan Sickles (SAS/Cisco), April Jones (NCSU Biomedical Engineering Lab)
- 2017 Triangle Global Health Consortium Global Bootcamp Graduate- Tonya Hinton
- 2017- Appointed One Health Commission Bat and Rabies Education Team- Jennifer Hulsey
- Multiple band awards, including Grand Champion at several competitions, 2016 Honor Band of North Carolina
- Multiple art awards, including the International focus, Artsplosure, and SparkCon highest honors
- 2016-17 Eileen Williams Service in Mathematics Education Award, NCSU- Ginger Harrell
- 2017 Regional Science Olympiad, multiple awards in ten categories
- 33 National Board Certified Teachers
Magnet Transportation
Why choose a magnet school?
Education Quality
Wake County Magnet Schools offer an exceptional education. In 2016, 27 Wake County Magnet Schools won national awards, and the North Carolina Board of Education honored a Wake County elementary school as one of the state’s top STEM schools. Parents also choose magnet schools for their smaller class sizes and excellent teachers and principals.School Assignment Stability
Those who apply and enter magnet schools in Wake County will never face reassignment as some traditional public school students might. This means magnet schools provide stability in a child’s school path from elementary to high school.Curriculum
Magnet schools use themes, or innovative focuses, to provide electives and interesting curricula that goes well beyond what is offered at traditional schools. In order to push students to become leaders for change, Wake County Magnet Schools implement hands-on learning and foster creative environments that allow students to become independent and curious. Wake County offers a variety of themes across elementary, middle, and high school levels, allowing students to apply to programs that fit their interests. Language immersion, Gifted and Talented, and International Baccalaureate programs can span a child’s education. Other themes include Engineering, Global Studies, Digital Sciences, and Leadership and Technology.Partnerships
Students at Wake County Magnet Schools reap the benefits of partnerships with outside programs. Partnerships with early colleges, Wake Tech, state government, and North Carolina hospitals spark students’ interest in higher education and provide college-level experience before graduating high school. Wake County Magnet Schools have also been selected by the Lenovo Scholar Network to create mobile apps for a national competition and awarded grants like the Burroughs Wellcome Fund for STEM Learning.Diversity
Wake County Magnet Schools give students from all over the county the opportunity to come together for a new experience. By enrolling students from neighborhoods of different racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds, magnet schools create a diverse student body. This allows students to explore beyond their own neighborhood and socialize with others who bring new experiences and perspectives. -
WCPSS Magnet Information
WCPSS Magnet Application Process
Magnet Application Dates for this school year will be announced soon.
Explanation of WCPSS Magnet Priorities