Principal Dilts' Weekly Update - 10/27/24
October 27, 2024,
Good afternoon! This is Janiece Dilts, proud principal of Broughton High School.
Schedule: Students will have a 30 minute advisory class after 1st period on Wednesday, October 30. Also, Friday, November 1, is a teacher workday, and students have no school.
AP Exam Announcement: Parents of students taking an AP exam in May - Please review the important information regarding 2025 May AP Exams. It includes important information regarding AP Exam dates, the transition to digital exams and opting out of an AP Exam.
A Request from our Neighbors: Our neighbors in the condos that border the athletic fields. (along Nichols Drive) are seeing an increasing number of students walking through the back of the condo complex, their backyards. Please remind your students that the property is clearly marked as private property, and they should not be walking through their yards to get to their cars or on campus. Thank you so much for your help!
National Honor Society: The Broughton National Honor Society will hold inductions on Monday, October 28th at 7:00. If your student has received an invitation to join the National Honor Society, please feel free to join us that night in Holliday Gym for the ceremony. A reception will follow in the lobby of Holliday Gym. Please contact Juliana Pattisall-Williams, Andrea Urso, or Babs Nichols with questions.
Athletic Events: Please click here to view the athletic calendar for this week.
DAB (Daily Announcement Bulletin): Please click here to view our announcements for students this week. It included important information like signing up to meet with university recruiters who are visiting.
In addition to this week’s announcements, all archived weekly announcements can be found by clicking the Principal’s Message button on the bar in the middle of our website. Thank you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us at 919-856-7810. We look forward to a great week at Broughton High School!