Weekly Memo | May 12

Posted by Carter Hillman on 5/12/2024

Weekly Memo:  Good evening Silver Hawk families, this is Principal Carter Hillman with your Weekly Memo:

  • All information provided in this Memo is posted on the VMCCA website under the “Principal’s Message.” 
  • Seniors and Parents: The VMCCA Senior Awards ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow, May 13th in the gymnasium at 6:00 PM.  Seniors and Junior Marshalls are to report to the Media Center by 5:00 PM.
  • Students will continue with Mandatory Hawks Nest this week as we prepare for final exams.  The schedule for this week will be May 13th - First Period Classes; May 14th - Second Period Classes; and May 15th Third Period Classes.
  • Parents: The Spring Exam Schedule has been posted on the VMCCA Website.  Look for the link on the green banner on the homepage.  Final exams will begin this week on Thursday, May 16th.
  • Parents:  Wake County Public Schools is administering a District Wide Family Survey through this Friday, May 17th. This survey provides families the opportunity to provide valuable information and a high-quality data source for planning and School Improvement.  The survey has been translated into various languages; Spanish, Arabic, French, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese to provide accessibility to families in Wake County Public Schools. The survey administration language can be chosen by families before taking the survey.  The link to access the survey can be found through the Principal’s Message: surveys.panoramaed.com/wakecounty/family.  You can also access the link by going to the VMCCA webpage and look for the green banner on the homepage.
  • Happy Mother's Day to all our Silverhawk Moms!
  • Keep your students safe, keep in contact with your teachers, and have a good evening.
  • Todas las familias hispanohablantes deberían recibir este "mensaje semanal" a través de un correo electrónico una vez por semana. Si no recibe este correo electrónico, comuníquese con la oficina principal para agregar su correo electrónico a la lista.