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Seniors Required To Have Meningococcal Booster Vaccination

North Carolina law requires all rising 12th Grade students to receive a Meningococcal Vaccine Booster before starting 12th Grade. Please know that the vaccination must be done BEFORE THE 2023 – 2024 SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS. Families will need to provide a copy of their student’s immunization record showing proof that the Meningococcal Vaccine has been completed prior to the first day of school. This is a 2-dose immunization; the 1st dose was required in the 7th Grade in the WCPSS. Please click here for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Carrillo, our Data Manager, at, contact our Student Services Department at 919-233-4050, or fax your immunization updates to 919-670-4457.