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Advisory Information for Juniors/Seniors

Good Morning and Welcome Back HSHS Students!
There has been some question about arrival time with our new Advisory class.  Your Advisory appears on your schedule as 6th period.  
Below are the instructions for the first day of school.
If you have a first period class, please report to your Advisory by 7:25. 
If your day starts with second period, please report to your Advisory by 7:25. After your Advisory you can sit in the cafeteria or leave campus by signing out with the front office as long as you return by 9:20 for second period. 
If your day starts with third period, please sign in at the front office prior to your 3rd period class.  You do not have to attend Advisory.


From the second day of school and for the remaider of the year the only students not attending Advisory will be students that only have a 3rd and 4th period class.  Remember that attendance will be taken in Advisory.