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Principal's Message to Families, 4/24/23


Sanford Creek Families, 

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our third graders and Songbirds Chorus last week!  A very huge shout-out for our music teacher, Ms. Stanton and all the specialists who put on another amazing show! Also, thank you to all who bought concessions and/or made a donation for the SCE music program.  $800 was raised! 


We are so excited for the Spring Carnival and hope to see you and your family on Saturday, April 29 from 11-3pm.  Lastly, this week, we are celebrating our Speech Pathologists: Sherri Bosely and Whitney Todd and our front office administrative assistants: Alicia Matthews, Lyndi Malarchuk and Maria Moncayo. All of these ladies are phenomenal in serving students, staff and SCE families. 

Have a great week! 

Tiffany Rich, Principal


Important Dates

April 21-May 9  Track 3 Tracked Out

April 24               Teacher Workday for Trks 1,2,3 only

April 24               Welcome Back Track 4! 

April 24               Parents notified via email for Track Change Requests for '23-24

April 24-28         Speech Pathologist Appreciation Week for SCE

April 24-28         Administrative Assistant Appreciation Week

April 29               PTA Spring Carnival (11-3pm)

May 1-5               Teacher Appreciation Week for Tr 1 & 2

May 5                   Field Day - Tracks 1 & 2

May 9                   Early Release - students dismiss at 1:45pm

May 11                 Field Day - Tracks 3 & 4

May 15-19           Teacher Appreciation Week for Tr 3 & 4


Spring Carnival this Week! 

Spring Carnival is Saturday, April 29 from 11-3pm (rain or shine event).  Volunteers are still needed to help make the event FREE and full of family fun!  Please consider supporting the PTA by using the link below to sign up to volunteer.  Thank you!


Panorama Family Survey

Wake County Public Schools is administering a District Wide Family Survey. This survey provides families with the opportunity to provide valuable information and a high-quality data source for planning and school improvement.

The survey has been translated into various languages; Spanish, Arabic, French, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese in an effort to provide accessibility to families in Wake County Public Schools. The survey administration language can be chosen by families before taking the survey.

PLEASE take time to complete the survey using this link:

Thank you for sharing your voice! 


Parent Info Sessions for Students Receiving SPED Services

The Family and Community Connections (FACC) team for Wake Co. is excited to offer two virtual parent information sessions from 6-7 p.m. on April 26 and April 27. Registration link.  

The April 26 session will focus on assistive technology.

The April 27 session will focus on Occupational Therapy and handwriting. 


'22-23 Yearbooks for Sale! 

It’s that time of the year for yearbooks!  Yearbooks are $20.00.  Families have an option of purchasing yearbooks  online, or by cash or check.  Online link to purchase:

If you are paying by cash or check, please make sure your envelope has your child's first and last name. Make checks out to SCE PTA.  The last day to purchase a yearbook will be May 5th. 

Questions?  Contact Ms. Parga (Grade 5/Tr 1) (


SCE Art in the Community from Mr.Diaz

Check out student art @ State Employees Credit Union of Rolesville (5801 Rogers Road) April 05 - May 30 


SCE Field Days from Ms.Dillistin

Parent volunteers are needed to make the day a success, full of fun and memories for all the students! You don’t have to do anything especially athletic, just help the kids stay focused on the event station, stay safe and have fun!

Sign Up links for each field day are below.  Prior to signing up, please make sure you are on the approved WCPSS volunteer list.  If you are uncertain whether you have been approved or not, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Ms. Alicia Matthews at or (919) 570-2100 x 20252.  If you would like to volunteer and still need to complete the WCPSS volunteer form, please see the directions above and complete it as soon as possible (approval can take up to two weeks). Field Day is a volunteer-only event this year.   


Volunteer Sign Up 

Tracks 1 & 2 (May 5th)-

Tracks 3 & 4 (May 11th)-


PTA News

Blue Jay Notes Newsletter: Click  here to read the PTA newsletter for April 2023.  


Family Support

We are here to serve you and your family.  Please check out our website and give us a call, stop by the school, email or send in a note if you are in need of food, clothing support, or community resources at any time throughout the school year. 


Kelly Taylor ( (919-570-2100 x 20235)

Cristina Mahoney ( (919-570-2100 x 22079)