January 17, 2025
WES Families,
Thank you PTA for funding the Transit Vocal Band cultural arts performance today! The students enjoyed listening to the artists and their musical craft! There will be no school January 20-21 in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and a staff workday.
General Notice to Parents Regarding English Language / ACCESS Testing
All students currently designated as limited English proficient (LEP) will be administered the North Carolina test of English language ability, the ACCESS. The annual ACCESS testing window is January 13 - March 8, 2025.
Kids Heart Challenge Update
Next week is the final week for the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge (January 24th will be the final day). Our school's goal is for our students and families to learn Hands-Only CPR and the warning signs of a stroke by signing up online and completing Finn’s Mission!
Step 1. Sign up online! Visit our school’s Kids Heart Challenge page: HERE or download the AHA Schools app for iPhone or Android to search for our school and sign up!
Step 2. Complete Finn’s Mission!
Cary Chamber of Commerce Honor A Teacher Award
The Cary Chamber of Commerce honors one teacher from each Cary school annually. If you would like to nominate a teacher for this award, please complete this form by 5:00 pm February 3rd.
From the PTA:
Are you not a member of the PTA, but are interested in receiving information about PTA meetings and activities? Sign-up at the link below to be added to our mailing list!
You may learn more about our WES PTA by visiting their website, https://www.weatherstonepta.com/.
The next PTA general meeting will be Tuesday, January 28, 2025 6:00 pm 7:00 pm in the media center. We look forward to seeing you there!
WES Spirit Rock
The Spirit Rock is back and better than ever! This year we are opening it up for more than just birthdays! We also have a new artist in residence who has donated her time and materials, if you would rather not paint the rock yourself! Please visit here to learn more information and reserve it.