School Improvement
The purpose of school improvement is to improve achievement and outcomes for every student by working to eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
We do this by collaboratively and continuously analyzing data and making decisions considering the unique needs of the learning community and the district's strategic plan.
View progress reports for each school.
Wake County Public School System will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate students who are collaborative, creative, effective communicators and critical thinkers.
As a member of the Wake County Public School System, Wake Young Women's Leadership Academy will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate Outstanding Women Leaders who are collaborative, creative, effective communicators, and critical thinkers.
All Wake Young Women's Leadership Academy students will be prepared to exceed their potential and lead productive lives in a complex and changing world; as college-ready, career-focused, young women who are ready to lead, learn, and serve their communities.
Leadership: By accepting responsibility for our decisions and actions, leading future generations who demonstrate integrity in all they say and do, and by showing respect for the sincerity, diversity, and creativity of others.
Learning: By challenging ourselves and others to excel each day, and empowering ourselves and others to achieve.
Service: By collaborating with our sisters and staff to create a successful school while also being dedicated to serving our communities.
We commit to the mission, vision, and values of Wake Young Women’s Leadership Academy, as well as the core beliefs of the district, for every Wake Young Women's Leadership Academy student.
Every student is uniquely capable and deserves to be challenged and engaged in relevant, rigorous, and meaningful learning each day.
Every student is expected to learn, grow, and succeed, while we eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
Well-supported, highly effective, and dedicated principals, teachers, and staff are essential to success for all students.
The Board of Education, superintendent, and all staff, while sustaining best practices, will promote and support a culture of continuous improvement, risk-taking, and innovation that results in a high-performing organization focused on student achievement, well-being, and student agency.
The Board of Education, superintendent, and all staff value a diverse school community that is inviting, respectful, inclusive, flexible, and supportive.
The Wake County residents value a strong public school system and will partner to provide the support and resources to fully realize our shared vision, accomplish the mission and sustain our core beliefs.
All students and staff deserve to work in optimal learning environments supported by sufficient resources, well-maintained facilities, and sustainable operational systems.
STUDENT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS: By May 2026, Wake Young Women’s Leadership Academy will focus on rigorous, relevant, & engaging instruction, and supporting students to meet or exceed expected growth as measured by EVAAS data. Overall, College & Career Ready, & Subgroup proficiency across all subject areas will increase by 5%, up to 100%, with particular attention to closing achievement gaps among underrepresented student groups. *WYWLA is a 6-12th grade, single-gender academy and early college with a Leadership magnet theme and goal to graduate college-ready, career-focused, young women who are ready to lead, learn, and serve in their communities.
STUDENT DISPOSITIONS & WELL-BEING: By May 2026, Wake Young Women’s Leadership Academy will enhance communication & collaboration between school staff, families, & community partners to address barriers to attendance, aiming to achieve a 5% reduction, to a low of 0%, in each attendance category while actively working to eliminate attendance disparities based on race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status. *WYWLA is a 6-12th grade, single-gender academy and early college with a Leadership magnet theme and goal to graduate college-ready, career-focused, young women who are ready to lead, learn, and serve in their communities.
*Current plan was voted on and approved by staff on 8/26/24
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