
    What is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme?

    The Diploma Programme (DP) is a curriculum framework designed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for students in the last two years of high school.  IB students graduating with the IB Diploma are able to study at universities all around the world, often with advanced credit.  Students report their involvement with the IB has given them the tools needed to succeed at college.  In particular, students comment on their sense of preparedness, self-confidence, research skills and their ability to manage their time.  Even more important, they have developed a sense of the world around them and their responsibility to it.
    Students pursuing an IB Diploma experience the curriculum in two ways: the IB Core and a concentrated study ofsix different academic areas. Underlyingall IB curriculum is an emphasis on criticalthinking, strong powers of expression, and an appreciation of cultural differences. All students take courses, followed by examinations in English Literature, History, Mathematics, Science, a World Language and an elective choice.

    How do I participate?

    Interested students in the ninth and tenth grades must complete the student intent form on Enloe’s IB  website. The form must be submitted by email and while the form can be submitted at any time in ninth or tenth
    grade, students are encouraged to submit as soon as possible. Once the intent form has been submitted, students are required to meet with the IB Coordinator to discuss the programme and create a course plan to ensure all programme coursework can be completed. The final decision to pursue the full IB Diploma is not made until the spring semester of tenth grade. However, the earlier students meet to discuss course planning, the greater the opportunity to balance all desired coursework options. Courses taken by students in ninth grade vary widely based on interests and prior experience. Students are encouraged to take Honors level courses. It is important that students are enrolled in Honors Math 2 at a minimum, as well as a World Language. This ensures that students maintain eligibility for full IB diploma candidacy in the eleventh and twelfth grade.

IB Coordinator Contact Information

April Ellis 

IB Programme Coordinator

(919) 856-7918 ext. 24714


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