It is important to communicate transportation plans or changes with your child's teacher.
Transportation to/from Sycamore Creek
There are several ways students can get to/from school which consist of carpool, WCPSS school bus, daycare, before/after care through Raleigh Parks and Rec, county provided special transportation.
Before/After Care—Raleigh Parks and RecreationThey are housed at Sycamore Creek and their hours of operation are 7:00-8:00 am and 3:00-6:30 pm. To inquire more information, visit City of Raleigh
Parks and Recreation Youth Programs website or call 919-996-6165.Carpool
Carpool tag numbers are given at the beginning of the school year. These tags need to be hung from the rearview mirror. If you have lost or broken your carpool tag, please notify the office for a duplicate. No homemade tags permitted. Students will get in on the passenger side only. School aged children should be able to safely open car doors and buckle their seatbelts without the assistance of an adult. Parents are to remain in their cars at all times to ensure safety and efficiency of the carpool procedure. Please refrain from parking and walking up to the school to pick up your child during carpool. Entering the bus loop for drop off or pick up is not allowed.
WalkerParents must sign a walker permission form annually for their child to walk to or from school. Students must live within walking distance of the school and actually walk home to be a SCES walker. Students in 2nd-5th grades can walk home without a parent if the parents have given permission on the walker permission form. Walkers must use the crosswalk by the cafeteria. Students cannot enter the building until 8:00 am. Students are NOT PERMITTED to be dropped off on Leesville Road. Parents may not drop off or pick up walkers in vehicles. If you are going to drop off or pick up your child in a vehicle you MUST use the carpool line.
WCPSS School BusThe Wake County Public School System provides safe and reliable bus transportation to all students who live 1.5 miles from their assigned school. Parents need to register for their student to ride the bus at the beginning of the school year. This registration can be found on the WCPSS website under Transportation. Students are required to have ridership and a bus tag prior to riding the bus. This service is a privilege, which may be revoked if children exhibit poor behavior or violate safety rules. Violation of safety rules may result in bus suspension for either short term or the remainder of the school year. Parents are advised to track the bus using the Here Comes the Bus app. The app allows for tracking to see where the bus is and how close it is to your stop. To sign-up for the app, parents will need the student’s ID number and the WCPSS school code (67500). We will also post departure times of school buses on our Twitter feed (@SycamoreCreekES)