• We aim to establish partnerships with community members by creating an environment where local businesses come together to advise educators on industry trends and create strategies and/ programs to help prepare our students to become workforce ready through work-based learning. Your expertise and leadership is needed and valued for this council to be a success.  Please join us in our efforts to create a dynamic experience for our Athens community.


    Meeting Information: 

    Time: 8:00 am

    Location: In-person will be in Media Center-virtual will be through Microsoft Teams

    Time: 8:00
    Virtual will be through Microsoft Teams
    July 25th- Virtual
    Sept. 5th- Virtual
    October 3rd- virtual
    Dec. 5th-virtual
    Jan.9th - Virtual 
    Feb. 6th Virtual
    March 6th- Virtual
    May 1st- Virtual


    Events Business Alliance Organizes:

    Nov. 21 and April 9 Fall and Spring Reality of Money-Sponsored by State Employees Credit Union and Coastal Credit Union-Simulation of making financial choices.

    September 26 and Feb. 20- Job Fair-Students will have the opportunity to apply to local companies for employment and internships. 

    Mock Interviews Dec.11 and March 12th Dress for Success:  work with students on how to dress professionally and how to interview.  Focusing on soft skills and transferable skills.

    Career Conversations- Partners interact with students discussing their occupation.

    The Goal of a Council member includes: 

    • Create opportunities for students and teachers to connect with local businesses and Higher Education institutions for job shadowing, internships, and field trips
    • Provide teachers with guest speakers and industry experts for co-teaching
    • Invite partners to assist in developing curriculum and coaching and evaluating student work

    Council members will provide guidance and educational opportunities for the following courses:

    • Foods I and II
    • Agriscience, Animal Science I and II
    • Principles of Business and Personal Finance
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Microsoft Word and Excel
    • Drafting I, II, III Engineering
    • Drafting II, III Architecture
    • Digital Media and Advanced Digital Media
    • Core Construction and Carpentry 1
    • Apparel Design I and II
    • Interior Design I and II
    • Parenting, Early childhood I and II
    • Sports Marketing
    • Fashion Merchandising
    •  Business Essentials
    • Python, Computer Programing

    Our mission is to network, brainstorm and build a greater community for our future leaders.

    Please, for more information, contact: Ms. Melonie Carlton-Career Development Coordinator via email at MCCarlton@wcpss.net or call Office at 919-233-4050 ext. 24905.