Bell Schedule

  • 8:50 AM

    • Student Drop-Off begins

    9:15 AM

    • Announcements & Pledge of Allegiance

    9:20 AM

    • Instruction begins

    3:40 PM

    • Car Rider Line begins

    3:50 PM

    • Dismissal

Willow Springs ES Calendar

View Calendar

Principal's Message

  • Principal's Message







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    for the latest news!

    WCPSS uses School Messenger to contact families using telephone messages, text messages and email messages. 

    For more information and/or to update notifications, please visit School Communication.  


Baby Bengal School News

Baby Bengal Word of the Week

Willow Springs Staff Award Winner


    Our I'm a Believer Award

    this month: 


    Ms. Joanna Johnson

    Intervention/Literacy Coach

    The selected recipient receives:

    • A gift card (compliments of LifePoint Church)
    • VIP 'Sunshine' Parking spot
    • A special print to display at school for the month

    Each month, Willow Springs Staff can nominate each other for the BELIEVER Award.  Nominations reflect the extraordinary things that staff members have done to make a difference to students or each other.  “Shout-outs” are shared at each staff meeting and the winner is randomly selected from the nominations. 
