Parent and School communication is vital for the success of students. At Sycamore Creek, there are several ways to receive and provide communication.
Communication with Teachers:• A Friday folder will be sent home every week with school work and paperwork that may need to be signed and returned.
• Send a note, email or call and leave a message for your child’s teacher with any questions and/or concerns.
• Conferences will occur twice throughout the school year or can be arranged at any time with the teacher.Communication with School:
• Mrs. Brunson will send out regular Principal Updates through School Messenger . You can customize the type of communication you would like to receive— email or text by creating an account on http://go.schoolmessenger.com. You can also download the School Messenger app.
• School Messenger phone calls are reserved for important messages or emergencies.
• The Sycamore Creek website is kept up-to-date and includes a calendar of all school events.
• Follow us on Twitter for regular updates, events, announcements, and daily bus departure times @SycamoreCreekES and @MCBrunson.