• HA

    These questions appeared in our Virtual Parent Night Chat, as well as frequently asked through messages and emails to our school. Please review these common questions. If you need more guidance, do not hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance. 

  • Where can I find the WCPSS Reopening Page

  • Will students still take standardized tests?

  • Will students use lockers this year?

  • Can we switch between Virtual Academy and Plan B or Plan C?

  • Will Middle School students change classes?

  • Will there be contact tracing or notification for potential exposures?

  • What about AIG Services?

  • If students do choose Virtual Academy how will they be integrated with the school if at all? Will teachers from Hilburn Academy teach in the Virtual Academy?

  • Will students have the same teacher for on-site learning as well as remote learning?

  • Can families request a certain cohort?

  • How will teachers be assigned to grade level face to face and blended instruction?

  • Will there be any hands-on instruction from teachers in the form of live instruction?

  • Will students stay with their classmates or be mixed among the grade level?

  • Will kids have to wear a mask?

  • How big will in-person classes be on average?

  • Will kids have specials and recess? Will lunch look the same?

  • Is there still going to be after care for those weeks kids are in school?

  • How will Special Education Programs work?