How does carpool work?
Please review this map for an overview of the White Oak Carpool Traffic Flow & Procedures
Morning Carpool Procedures:
Arrival 8:45-9:10
- The carpool line will form as you exit the traffic circle. Please follow the path that loops to the right and toward the playgrounds behind the building.
- For the safety of all children, please do not drop any child off in the parking lot to walk across or through automobile traffic anywhere in the carpool lane on their own. Instead, please wait in the carpool lane. This the safest options for children.
- Please park (or wait) in a designated space. All of our parking spaces are marked with lines. It is unsafe when drivers have to pull around or back up around cars that are parked (or are waiting) in the wrong area.
- Please be courteous to pedestrians. If there are pedestrians waiting to cross the carpool lane, please stop.
- For the safety of our students, please do not use mobile phones in the carpool lane!
Afternoon Carpool Procedures:
Dismissal Begins at 3:45
- Students are dismissed from the classroom as their carpool number appears on the TV screen. The number is shown in a colored space based on the order of the carpool line.
- Students go to the corresponding colored cone at the outside pickup spaces. At the beginning of the school year, these steps may take longer as everyone is learning the process.
- As you arrive at the pickup spaces:
Make sure you DO...
- Keep your carpool number visible for staff
- Enter from the traffic circle off of White Oak Church Road.
- Pull up to the next available space
- Set your carseat or booster seat on the passenger side of your vehicle
- Teach your child to INDEPENDENTLY Enter & Exit your vehicle
Please DO NOT....
- Pull around or pass other vehicles
- Get out of your vehicle. If you need time to help your child with the car seat or seatbelt, please pull forward and park.