School Messengers are text and email alerts sent to families to keep them informed about school events and activities. Information about the system and how to ensure your family stays informed is available at the link below. Phone messages to families will be reserved for urgent situations.
January 30, 2025
Tonight is Inquiry into STEAM at FWES from 6:00-7:30pm. The event is sponsored by our Student Council with support from the FWES PTA.
The event is a family event with hands on activities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. The activities will take place throughout the building in almost all classrooms on the red, orange and green halls!
Attendees will be given a STEAM bingo board upon arrival and the FWES student in the family should put their name(s) on the board and then check off any of the activities you complete as a family. Boards turned in as you leave the event will be entered into a prize drawing (for FWES students only).
To help us plan for materials needed in the various events- please let us know if you are planning to attend by using this event link: STEAM Night at FWES- registration.
Esta noche es la Noche de Investigación en STEAM en FWES de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. El evento está patrocinado por nuestro Consejo Estudiantil con el apoyo de la PTA de FWES.
Este es un evento familiar con actividades prácticas en las áreas de Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas. ¡Las actividades se llevarán a cabo en todo el edificio, en casi todas las aulas de los pasillos rojo, naranja y verde!
A los asistentes se les entregará un tablero de bingo STEAM al llegar, y el estudiante de FWES en la familia deberá escribir su nombre en el tablero y marcar todas las actividades que completen en familia. Los tableros entregados al salir del evento participarán en un sorteo de premios (solo para estudiantes de FWES).
Para ayudarnos a planificar los materiales necesarios para los diferentes eventos, por favor avísenos si planea asistir utilizando este enlace de registro para la Noche de STEAM en FWES.
Tuesday, January 28. 2025
The Cary Chamber of Commerce supports all Cary Schools with a program called Honor a Teacher. Farmington Woods teachers may be nominated for the Teaching Excellence award by families or colleagues.
Please note that the nomination window closes on Monday, February 3rd at 5:00pm. (Apologies for missing this in the Friday folder 1/24/25). To nominate one of our amazing teachers, please use the link below.
Each school will have 5 finalists for the recognition and the winner will be announced on May 13th at a Celebration at Preston Country Club.
Thank you for considering a nomination for the 2025 Cary Chamber of Commerce Teaching Excellence Award!
Nomination Process
Please share this form with your school, parents, etc to submit a deserving teacher (we are sharing through our outlets as well): https://forms.gle/q8enkvFfqGwANqUu8
Nomination window closes Monday, February 3 at 5 pm
La Cámara de Comercio de Cary apoya todas las escuelas de Cary con un programa llamado “Honor a un Maestro”. Los maestros de Farmington Woods pueden ser nominados para el premio de Excelencia en la Enseñanza por parte de familias o colegas.
Tenga en cuenta que la ventana de nominación cierra el lunes 3 de febrero a las 5:00 p.m. (Disculpas por no haber incluido esto en la carpeta del viernes 24/01/25). Para nominar a uno de nuestros increíbles maestros, por favor use el siguiente enlace.
Cada escuela tendrá 5 finalistas para el reconocimiento y el ganador será anunciado el 13 de mayo en una celebración en el Preston Country Club.
¡Gracias por considerar nominar a un maestro para el Premio a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza 2025 de la Cámara de Comercio de Cary!
Proceso de Nominación
Por favor comparta este formulario con su escuela, padres, etc., para nominar a un maestro merecedor (nosotros también lo estamos compartiendo a través de nuestros medios): https://forms.gle/q8enkvFfqGwANqUu8
La ventana de nominación cierra el lunes 3 de febrero a las 5 p.m.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
2 Hour Delayed Start on Friday, January 24, 2025
9:00am YMCA Opens for students enrolled in the Before School Care Program
10:45am Doors Open for students and carpool drop off begins
*****DO NOT DROP STUDENTS BEFORE carpool begins- it will be COLD AND there is no supervision for their safety!!!!
11:05am FWES News Begins
11:15am Bell Rings and Instruction Begins
*Arrival after 11:15am will be recorded as a tardy with sign in required in office
11:30am Lunch begins on regular schedule
11:45am FWES Spelling Bee in Inquiry Center
Specials will be scheduled with an abbreviated session.
Instructional priority will be ELA and Math and there will be no recess.
3:40pm Walker Dismissal
3:45pm Carpool and Bus Dismissal begins
FWES PTA Reminder:
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Please consider joining Saturday's Campus Work Day and Pruning Workshop! As of right now we have 6 families signed up to attend... the weather is going to be nice and sunny on Saturday, and we'd love to see some more folks! Shrub pruning will be the primary task. Kids can help haul limbs to the truck, and we'll have a few other family friendly jobs available. Leaf & Limb will be leading a pruning workshop at 1pm. It'll start in the Inquiry Center and then move outdoors for some hands on demos. Childcare will be provided during the workshop and gym bathrooms will be open.
To Bring - Safety Goggles were requested by Leaf & Limb and bring all the tools useful for pruning massive shrubs. Clippers, saws, loppers, etc. Also a truck if you have one.
Please RSVP so Leaf & Limb brings enough handouts:
Sign Up Genius Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ADA723A1FEC34-54068184-fwes
We are also borrowing tools and supplies from the Town of Cary, which comes with this waiver form. Please fill it out for you and your kids if you even might think about using their tools.
Waiver Link: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/e/jSbU5kSeBF8HiehtFTASjT/
FWES Friday Folder will be sent this weekend.
Inicio retrasado de 2 horas el viernes, 24 de enero de 2025
9:00 am La YMCA abre para los estudiantes inscritos en el programa de cuidado antes de la escuela
10:45 am Se abren las puertas para los estudiantes y comienza la llegada en carpool
11:05 am Comienzan las noticias de FWES
11:15 am Suena la campana y comienza la instrucción
11:45 am Concurso de Ortografía de FWES
*La llegada después de las 11:15 am será registrada como tarde y se requerirá firmar en la oficina
11:30 am El almuerzo comienza según el horario regular
Las clases especiales se programarán con una sesión abreviada.
La prioridad educativa será ELA y Matemáticas, y no habrá receso.
3:40 pm Despacho para los estudiantes que caminan
3:45 pm Comienza el despacho en carpool y autobuses
Recordatorio de la PTA de FWES:
Sábado, 25 de enero de 2025
¡Por favor, considere unirse al Día de Trabajo en el Campus y Taller de Poda del sábado! Actualmente, tenemos 6 familias registradas para asistir... ¡el clima estará bonito y soleado el sábado, y nos encantaría ver a más gente! La poda de arbustos será la tarea principal. Los niños pueden ayudar a llevar ramas al camión y tendremos otros trabajos aptos para toda la familia. Leaf & Limb dirigirá un taller de poda a la 1:00 pm. Comenzará en el Inquiry Center y luego se moverá al exterior para algunas demostraciones prácticas. Se proporcionará cuidado infantil durante el taller y los baños del gimnasio estarán abiertos.
Qué traer: Leaf & Limb ha solicitado gafas de seguridad y traer todas las herramientas útiles para podar arbustos grandes. Tijeras de podar, sierras, podadoras, etc. También un camión si tiene uno.
Por favor, confirme su asistencia para que Leaf & Limb lleve suficientes folletos:
Enlace para registrarse: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ADA723A1FEC34-54068184-fwes
También estamos pidiendo prestadas herramientas y suministros de la ciudad de Cary, lo que incluye este formulario de exención. Por favor, complételo para usted y sus hijos si considera usar sus herramientas.
Enlace para la exención: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/e/jSbU5kSeBF8HiehtFTASjT/
El FWES Friday Folder se enviará este fin de semana.
November 14, 2024
The safety of students and staff is a priority for Farmington Woods IB/PYP Magnet Elementary and for the Wake County Public School System.
As part of our efforts to ensure safety in the event of emergencies there are several procedures that are practiced and followed in our school community regularly, such as fire drills monthly.
Today, our school, with the support of WCPSS Security and Cary Police Department Officers participated in a Code Red Drill. The drill is designed to give our campus the opportunity to practice procedures that should be followed if there were an emergency inside the school. All adults in the building have been trained on these procedures and while they have practiced with students in classrooms, today was putting that into action as a school community.
The drill was over in 10 minutes and allowed the Cary PD officers to walk the campus and assess our response and give us any feedback that might support future procedures.
We had a great response and a few suggestions that we look forward to implementing.
Thank you to all of our staff and students for their cooperation and understanding the importance of practicing how to keep each other safe at school!
November 4, 2025
FWES reminder: There is no school on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 due to the election. Students return on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
Recordatorio de FWES: No hay clases el martes 5 de noviembre de 2024 debido a las elecciones. Los estudiantes regresan el miércoles 6 de noviembre de 2024.
October 30, 2024
*Note- no Halloween costumes or other related materials should come to school.
Just a reminder that tonight is the last night for contributions to be collected for the FWES PTA Fun Run event! The FWES PTA provides so much support for our entire school community because of this fund raising effort each year. They have not yet reached their goal for this year- so thank you for considering your support so that PTA programming for the FWES school community can be achieved in the 2024-25 school year.
Fun Run Schedule:
- 9:35am- Pre K, Kinder and 1st grades
- 10:30am- 2nd and 3rd grades
- 11:25am- 4th and 5th grades
Student Needs for the Run:
- Make sure your child wears tennis shoes and is ready to run/walk
- Bring a water bottle to have access to water while running/walking
- Hats are invited outside as it looks like a beautiful sunny day is scheduled!
- Apply suncreen AT HOME (students are not allowed to self-carry sunscreen or apply it- and adults cannot apply it either) if your child needs it
Family Visitors are Invited to Cheer on Students:
- Visitors may come to FWES to join us on the back field at the scheduled times above to cheer on students as they run.
- Visitors do not need to sign in at the office but may walk directly to the field and stand in designated areas for visitors
- Visitors may not return to the classroom with students or take their own student with them after the run.
- If a family wishes to take a student with them after the run- you will need to return to the front office and follow the regular procedure for signing out your student with your photo ID.
Thank you so much for your active support of our FWES PTA and their work to support our IB/PYP environment for ALL students!
Reminder- There is no school Friday, November 1st or Tuesday, November 5th!
¡La Carrera de Recaudación de Fondos de la PTA de FWES es MAÑANA!
*Nota: no se deben llevar disfraces de Halloween ni otros materiales relacionados a la escuela.
Solo un recordatorio de que esta noche es la última oportunidad para que se hagan contribuciones para el evento de la Carrera de Recaudación de Fondos de la PTA de FWES. ¡La PTA de FWES brinda mucho apoyo a toda nuestra comunidad escolar gracias a este esfuerzo de recaudación de fondos cada año! Todavía no han alcanzado su meta para este año, así que agradecemos que consideres tu apoyo para que los programas de la PTA para la comunidad escolar de FWES se puedan llevar a cabo en el año escolar 2024-25.
Horario de la Carrera:
9:35am - Pre K, Kinder y 1er grado
10:30am - 2º y 3er grado
11:25am - 4º y 5º gradoRequisitos para los Estudiantes para la Carrera:
- Asegúrate de que tu hijo use zapatos deportivos y esté listo para correr/caminar.
- Llevar una botella de agua para tener acceso a agua mientras corren/caminan.
- Se invita a los estudiantes a usar gorros ya que parece que tendremos un hermoso día soleado.
- Aplica protector solar EN CASA (los estudiantes no pueden llevar protector solar ni aplicarlo ellos mismos, y los adultos tampoco pueden aplicarlo) si tu hijo lo necesita.Se Invita a las Familias a Animar a los Estudiantes:
- Las familias pueden venir a FWES para unirse a nosotros en el campo trasero en los horarios indicados arriba para animar a los estudiantes mientras corren.
- Los visitantes no necesitan registrarse en la oficina, pueden ir directamente al campo y pararse en las áreas designadas para visitantes.
- Los visitantes no pueden regresar al aula con los estudiantes ni llevarse a su propio hijo después de la carrera.
- Si una familia desea llevarse a un estudiante después de la carrera, debe regresar a la oficina principal y seguir el procedimiento regular para registrar la salida del estudiante con una identificación con foto.¡Muchas gracias por tu apoyo activo a nuestra PTA de FWES y su trabajo para apoyar nuestro entorno IB/PYP para TODOS los estudiantes!
Recordatorio: ¡No habrá clases el viernes, 1 de noviembre, ni el martes, 5 de noviembre!
October 2, 2024
Reminder- There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW- it is a TEACHER WORKDAY! We will see our students again on Friday, October 4th.
October 4th reminders:
Wear FWES Shirts or colors (blue and yellow)
8:30am Walk, Bike or Roll to School Day- meet Mr. Eller at Kildaire Plaza and join in the fun
9:00am PTA Coffee Chat on Front Porch
Recordatorio: ¡NO HAY CLASES MAÑANA! Es un DÍA DE TRABAJO PARA LOS MAESTROS. ¡Nos veremos de nuevo con los estudiantes el viernes, 4 de octubre!
Recordatorios para el 4 de octubre:
Usa camisetas de FWES o los colores (azul y amarillo)
8:30am: Día de Caminar, Andar en Bicicleta o Rodar hacia la Escuela - Reúnete con el Sr. Eller en Kildaire Plaza y únete a la diversión
9:00am: Charla de Café de la PTA en el Porche Principal
September 24th- FWES Reminders
Tomorrow is Picture Day at FWES!!! Be sure to bring your SMILE!
Club Application Reminder- All club applications are due to FWES no later than 4:00pm tomorrow- Wednesday, September 24th.
Applications must be paper for the lottery process.
FWES Club Information 24-25- review club options for 24-25 school year
FWES Club Application 24-25- Due by 4:00pm September 25th!
Go Play Save PTA Fund Raiser Reminder- Sale goes through Friday….. Check out some strategies to help our school here: Go Play Save Strategies!September 4th- Quick Mid- Week Updates
Happy 1st Day to Kinder Families!
All Carpoolers- Patience with carpool this week and into next while our new kindergarten students and families learn about procedures:) You might wait until closer to 4:00 or 4:05 the next few days to arrive so you are not frustrated by the wait:)
Kinder families- please review the carpool video again before coming to school today. It is VERY helpful for your child’s safety that you NOT wave or open a window and call their name as you drive up and through the loading zone. We need our students to follow the school adult directions for their safety- sometimes when they see a parent or hear their name, they take off running to the car- that is not how we can keep your child safe.
Reminders for all families:
Friday, September 6th is our Monthly Walk to School Day. Families meet Mr. Eller, our PE teacher, in the parking lot at Kildaire Plaza (where the Starbucks coffee is located) at 8:30am and then walk to school together as a group. Adults MUST walk with their children to school- and can then walk to return to your car after dropping off your student. What beautiful weather this week for a Walk to School Day!
Mr. Eller promotes healthy activities for students and families and sponsors our Walk to School day the first Friday of every month of the year!
Also Friday, September 6th- PTA will host a Coffee Chat on Porch during and after arrival to get to know families and answer any questions you may have about how you can get involved.¡Feliz primer día a las familias de Kindergarten!
Mensaje en video de la Sra. Pierce
A todos los que usan el sistema de carpool: tengan paciencia con el carpool esta semana y la próxima mientras nuestros nuevos estudiantes de kindergarten y sus familias aprenden sobre los procedimientos :) Podrían esperar hasta más cerca de las 4:00 o 4:05 los próximos días para llegar, así no se frustran con la espera :)
Familias de Kindergarten: por favor, revisen el video de carpool nuevamente antes de venir a la escuela hoy. Es MUY importante para la seguridad de su hijo que NO agiten la mano ni abran una ventana para llamar su nombre mientras se acercan y pasan por la zona de carga. Necesitamos que nuestros estudiantes sigan las indicaciones de los adultos de la escuela para su seguridad; a veces, cuando ven a un padre o escuchan su nombre, corren hacia el auto, y eso no es seguro para su hijo.
Recordatorios para todas las familias:
El viernes 6 de septiembre es nuestro Día Mensual de Caminar a la Escuela. Las familias se reúnen con el Sr. Eller, nuestro profesor de educación física, en el estacionamiento de Kildaire Plaza (donde se encuentra el Starbucks) a las 8:30 a.m. y luego caminan juntas hacia la escuela. Los adultos DEBEN caminar con sus hijos hasta la escuela y luego pueden regresar a su auto después de dejar a su estudiante. ¡Qué hermoso clima tenemos esta semana para un Día de Caminar a la Escuela!
El Sr. Eller promueve actividades saludables para estudiantes y familias y patrocina nuestro Día de Caminar a la Escuela el primer viernes de cada mes durante todo el año.
Además, el viernes 6 de septiembre, la PTA organizará un Café en el Porche durante y después de la llegada para conocer a las familias y responder cualquier pregunta que puedan tener sobre cómo pueden involucrarse.
August 27, 2024
FWES Day 1 Updates!
What great Day 1 we had at FWES!!!
Thank you to all of our students for their enthusiasm and engagement as learners today and to our amazing teachers who created environment with a balance of getting to know each other and structure to organize for the year.
A few transportation reminders:
Bus Routes: We had a couple of late buses and hope some of those times will improve as the school year continues and routes become more familiar. Thank you to those families for your patience! We will be sending Talking Points messages to the families of each bus to let you know daily when the bus has left FWES each day- and also if there are any delays that the school has been notified about. Please make sure your Talking Points app is active on your phone so you get this information.
Walkers: Thank you to families for being on time for Walker Dismissal today!! A reminder that annually you must give permission for your student to walk away from school without an adult. The form is linked below and available for 2nd-5th graders. K-1st students may walk away WITH AN OLDER SIBLING if you choose- but please be sure the older sibling knows to wait on the porch for the younger sibling- any K-1st student will NOT be allowed to walk alone, even if they have permission.
Walker Permission to Walk Away from the Porch without an Adult 24-25
Walker permission is open until 12noon daily and will reopen in the evening daily.
Carpoolers: We did a practice session with all 1st-5th carpoolers during the school day and it was a great help to the carpool process- our students and Safety Patrol were ready to follow the guidelines and processes!
For adults coming to carpool- a few reminders to help the line go smoothly and quickly:
New carpool tags are required annually- you may not pick up your student with last year’s carpool tag. Please come to the office to get a carpool tag for 2024-25 if you do not yet have one.
No left turn into FWES or when leaving FWES during arrival and/or dismissal. Please follow the signs directing you in the correct process for accessing and exiting our campus.
Please pull up as close as you can to the car in front of you- if everyone does that- we can load 8 cars each round:)
Seatbelts/car seats/booster seats- thank you for moving forward and into our “Pull Over” area if you need to assist your student in getting buckled into the car safely. The move there will give you the time you need and allow the line to continue to move- Thank you!
Safety Patrol may NOT load a student into the driver side of the vehicle. They may only load students into the passenger side (the school side of the car). If you need your student to enter the vehicle on the drive side, the driver will need to get out to accompany the student to the vehicle.
GOT QUESTIONS is tomorrow…..
Got Questions? Link- use this link at all times listed below to access FWES Staff and ask questions (link will only be in email not with public access)
Wed, August 28th 10:30-11:15am
Thursday, August 29th 12:00-12:45pm
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11:30am-12:15pm
Friday, September 6, 2024 12:00-12:45pm
¡Qué gran primer día tuvimos en FWES!
Gracias a todos nuestros estudiantes por su entusiasmo y compromiso como aprendices hoy, y a nuestros increíbles maestros que crearon un ambiente equilibrado entre conocerse y estructurar el año escolar.
**Rutas de autobús:** Tuvimos un par de autobuses que llegaron tarde y esperamos que algunos de esos tiempos mejoren a medida que avance el año escolar y las rutas se vuelvan más familiares. ¡Gracias a esas familias por su paciencia! Enviaremos mensajes por Talking Points a las familias de cada autobús para informarles diariamente cuando el autobús haya salido de FWES, y también si hay algún retraso del que la escuela haya sido notificada. Asegúrense de que la aplicación Talking Points esté activa en su teléfono para recibir esta información.
**Caminantes:** ¡Gracias a las familias por llegar a tiempo para la salida de los caminantes hoy! Les recordamos que anualmente deben dar permiso para que su estudiante se retire de la escuela sin un adulto. El formulario está vinculado a continuación y está disponible para los estudiantes de 2º a 5º grado. Los estudiantes de K-1º pueden irse caminando CON UN HERMANO MAYOR si así lo desean, pero asegúrense de que el hermano mayor sepa esperar en el porche al hermano menor; a cualquier estudiante de K-1º NO se le permitirá caminar solo, incluso si tiene permiso.
**Permiso para que los caminantes se retiren del porche sin un adulto 24-25:** El permiso para los caminantes está abierto hasta las 12 del mediodía diariamente y se reabrirá por la tarde todos los días.
**Carpoolers:** Hicimos una sesión de práctica con todos los carpoolers de 1º a 5º durante el día escolar y fue de gran ayuda para el proceso de carpool; ¡nuestros estudiantes y el Patrullero de Seguridad estaban listos para seguir las pautas y los procesos!
Para los adultos que vienen a carpool, algunos recordatorios para que la fila avance sin problemas y rápidamente:
- Se requieren nuevas etiquetas de carpool cada año; no pueden recoger a su estudiante con la etiqueta de carpool del año pasado. Por favor, vengan a la oficina para obtener una etiqueta de carpool para 2024-25 si aún no tienen una.
- No se permite girar a la izquierda al entrar o salir de FWES durante la llegada y/o salida. Sigan las señales que los dirigen al proceso correcto para acceder y salir de nuestro campus.
- Por favor, acérquense lo más que puedan al coche que tienen delante; si todos lo hacen, ¡podemos cargar 8 autos en cada ronda!
- Cinturones de seguridad/asientos de seguridad/asientos elevados: gracias por avanzar hacia nuestra área de "Parada" si necesitan ayudar a su estudiante a abrocharse en el coche de manera segura. Moverse allí les dará el tiempo que necesitan y permitirá que la fila continúe avanzando. ¡Gracias!
- El Patrullero de Seguridad NO puede cargar a un estudiante en el lado del conductor del vehículo. Solo pueden cargar a los estudiantes en el lado del pasajero (el lado de la escuela del coche). Si necesitan que su estudiante entre al vehículo por el lado del conductor, el conductor deberá salir para acompañar al estudiante al vehículo.
August 26, 2024
Mrs. Pierce's Video Message (explaining the information below and considerations for families the first week:)
See you tomorrow for our 1st Day of 2024-25!
Doors open at 8:45am!
Don’t forget to Follow our Official Facebook Page!
Important Dates: (check all dates regularly on the FWES Website)
Tues, August 27 1st Day of School for 1st-5th Grade
Kindergarten Staggered Entry Begins
Sept 2 Labor Day Holiday- No School
Sept 3 12:45pm Kinder Rosters Posted
1:00-2:00pm Kindergarten Meet the Teacher
Sept 4 1st Day for ALL Kindergarten Students!
9:20am Kindergarten Family Welcome Event!
Sept 9 1st-5th Grade Families may begin coming to school for lunch
Sept 13 7:45am PTA Board Meeting
Go Play Save Fundraiser Begins
FWES Family Night at NC Courage
Sept 17 6:00pm FWES PTA General Membership Meeting
Sept 20 Teacher Workday- No School for Students
Sept 23 Kindergarten Families may begin coming for lunch
FWES 1st Day/Week of School Reminders!
Student/Family Communication and Interest Form 2024-25
You may have filled this out on paper at Open House, but if you have an extra minute- please fill out the link above so we can more quickly determine your interests and make a connection- as all the paper documents will have to be entered manually. It is a pretty easy form to fill out- after contact info- it is only check boxes:)
Transportation Procedures and Reminders:
Arrival Reminders:
Right turn in ONLY for carpool and to access parking
Watch the video- must enter from the Cary Pkwy direction
If you are parking to walk in and have to park in our neighborhood, please be respectful of lawns and driveways. It WILL be busy and parking is limited- plan with plenty of time.
DO NOT drop off students prior to the start of carpool or arrival as a walker before 8:45am
Doors will open with the bell at 8:45am
Families are invited to walk to the classroom between the 8:45am bell and the 9:05am warning bell. Families who arrive to the front door after 9:05am will be asked to remain in the lobby. This process at FWES does include a reminder that the teacher’s focus is on students - this cannot be a time for a conference or distracting the teacher
All families should exit the building through the front doors no later than 9:15am
Dogs are not allowed on campus. Please remain on the sidewalk by the school sign if you have walked a dog to school with you.
Dismissal Reminders
Walkers must be met on the front porch by an adult unless permission has been given
Families must meet walkers by 3:40pm.
Note that there will be MUCH traffic and there is NO passing on Hampton Valley Road…. So plan ahead to be on time for walkers
Families must remain on the porch until students are dismissed
Walkers who are not met by 3:45pm are sent back to their classroom and late families will be required to show photo ID to sign out those students.
Building entry for those waiting on Walkers is not allowed due to the updated visitor/security system. Please take care of bathroom needs before coming to FWES.
Dogs are not allowed on campus. Please remain on the sidewalk by the school sign if you have walked a dog to school with you.
Carpool is also RIGHT TURN ONLY for families.
Carpool families are asked to have patience and consider arriving at 4:00pm when the traffic may be lighter.
Help your child learn their carpool number and what your car looks like to speed up the carpool line
Families MAY NOT come to the front door while the carpool line is moving to sign out students in the office. Please remain in line and wait your turn.
The office is a critical resource for the dismissal process of our 660 students and cannot be interrupted for sign out of students.
Families who may come to the door may be asked to remain on the porch until the end of carpool for assistance.
Got Questions? use this link at all times listed below to access FWES Staff and ask questions (check email version of this message for the active link)
Wed, August 28th 10:30-11:15am
Thursday, August 29th 12:00-12:45pm
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11:30am-12:15pm
Friday, September 6, 2024 12:00-12:45pm
FWES PTA Updates:
You belong in PTA. PTA membership is your way of showing support for the work that we do. Join each year. That’s it. No volunteering required. No meeting attendance required. FWES PTA welcomes and encourages everyone to be part of our amazing community! Please join us!
FWES spirit wear now available to purchase online! New designs featuring Oso on shirts and stickers, as well as discounts on items from previous years. Quantities and sizes are limited!
New year, new teacher! Get to know your new teachers and learn some of their favorite things. Teacher and Staff Preferences
Courage Family Game September 13. Please join us for family night at the NC Courage Soccer game as the Courage take on Bay FC Friday September 13th at 7pm. Wear your school spirit and bring your friends! Buy your tickets here for the match and other festivities including inflatables, games, scoreboard shoutouts, on-field activities before the match and at halftime, and much more.
Keep up with all things PTA at fwespta.orgAugust 25, 2024 (Kinder Only Message)
Please accept our apologies for the linking of the incorrect documents related to Kindergarten Staggered Entry dates for the 2024-25 school year.
The schedule is below:
Tuesday, August 27- Last Names A-C
Wednesday, August 28- Last Names D-L
Thursday, August 29- Last Names M-R
Friday, August 30- Last Names S-Z
Kindergarten July, 2024 Mailer- This link is current and correct with all information.
We look forward to seeing all of you next week!
Por favor, acepte nuestras disculpas por la vinculación de los documentos incorrectos relacionados con las fechas de entrada escalonada para el Kindergarten del año escolar 2024-25.
El horario es el siguiente:
Martes, 27 de agosto - Apellidos de la A a la C
Miércoles, 28 de agosto - Apellidos de la D a la L
Jueves, 29 de agosto - Apellidos de la M a la R
Viernes, 30 de agosto - Apellidos de la S a la Z
Correo de Kindergarten de julio de 2024: Este enlace es actual y correcto con toda la información.
¡Esperamos verlos a todos la próxima semana!
July 30, 2024
FWES Updates for Families:
FWES Family Student Handbook 2024-25- updated for 24-25- The FWES specific Handbook for families has been updated for the 2024-25 school year. Thank you for taking time to read and review our procedures and expectations related to all things FWES.
FWES Handbook Highlights 2024-25 English/Espanol/Arabic
After School Registration Information for 24-25
FWES After School On Line Registration August 7th- review the full information about the registration process timeline and a copy of the form that will be required to be completed for initial registration.
Neighborhood Visit- August 5 and 6
FWES will be visiting several neighborhoods next week. We can’t wait to see you!
Parent Club Sponsor Interest
We were fortunate to have several parents share their interests with students as club sponsors last year. If you have not yet shared your interest to participate, please do so no later than August 15th so we can include you in the options for students.
Club Sponsor sign up due by August 15th!
FWES Carpool Tag Registration 24-25
Use this form to register for a carpool tag by Monday, August 19th to have it ready for pick up for you during Open House.
This form will be available until 9:00am on Monday, August 19th. Those registrations not received by the 19th can register for a tag during Open House.
FWES PTA Updates
Yubbler School Supply purchase Reminder- FWES PTA provides a service through Yubbler to purchase your required school supplies for the 24-25 school year- all you need comes to your house in just one box!
July 16, 2024
Happy Summer Video from Mrs. Pierce!
Welcome New Families!
Welcome to all the families who will be new at Farmington Woods for the 24-25 school year. We are so happy you are joining our school community and becoming part of our International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. We will be communicating with you over the next month important information for families and updating the information on our website- so keep a look out for these updates!
Before School Registration- families who need before school care can use the link to register through the YMCA as the YMCA hosts the morning program on the campus of FWES each day.
After School Registration- families who need after school care should review the information below about the registration process, as the program is first come first served.
Digital “Line Up” Wednesday, August 7th 9:00am- Families interested in a seat (or seats for multiple students) will “Line Up” by registering on line for a spot.
In Person Registration- Monday, August 12 and Tuesday, August 13- Families who secured a seat in the program will need to complete all the required paperwork and bring it to the school with the required payment on these dates. Those families will receive a sign up to choose a time to come to school to complete this process to effectively manage time for everyone. Families who secured a seat but are not available in person may mail required registration materials and payment.
All of the specific details will be shared closer to the dates, but this general information is shared for your planning purposes at this time.
Rosters, Picnic and Open House dates and reminders
Thursday, August 22nd 4:30pm- Class Rosters for 1st-5th Posted at front doors
PTA Welcome Back Picnic at FWES times TBA after rosters are posted
Friday, August 23rd 4:00-6:00pm- Open House Event (1st-5th Meet your teacher)
Tuesday, August 27th- First Day of School for 1st-5th graders!
FWES PTA Updates:
Dear Farmington Woods Elementary Parents:
The FWES PTA is excited to offer Yubbler’s school supplies program which will help the school and make it a breeze for parents to get school supplies for next year. Yubbler.com is making our supply lists available for online purchasing at discounted prices. The best part is that Yubbler will donate 50% of the profits back to the school.
Register for a coupon code:• Click on https://www.yubbler.com/school/farmington-woods-elementary
• The coupon code will be sent to your email. Copy and paste it in at checkout.
• Discount (applies to core items only) for July orders: 5% off core items
What you need to do:• Find the supply list for your child’s grade by going to this link
• Click on the purchase button (“Add Full List”) then enter your shipping and billing information1
• You can customize your cart in checkout by removing or adding items
• You’re done!
How it works:• Supplies are shipped “Next Day” to your home.
• One click and you’re done. It’s that simple!
There is no deadline to purchase supplies.
Please email orders@yubbler.com for any questions or concerns regarding your order. If possible, please include your order number which can be found in your confirmation email.
1 All transactions are processed by PayPal’s BrainTree secure online payment service.Estimados Padres de Farmington Woods Elementary:
Estamos muy emocionados de ofrecerles el programa de útiles escolares de Yubbler que ayudará a la escuela y facilitará que los padres obtengan los útiles escolares para el próximo año. Yubbler.com está poniendo sus listas de útiles disponibles para comprar en línea y a precios promocionales. Y la mejor parte, es que Yubbler donará el 50% de las ganancias a la escuela.
¿Cómo recibirá su descuento?• Haz click aquí: https://www.yubbler.com/school/farmington-woods-elementary
• El código de descuento se enviará a tu correo electrónico. Cópialo y pégalo al finalizar la compra.
• Fechas de descuentos (aplica solo a los artículos core):-
Órdenes en julio: 5% de descuento en artículos core
¿Qué necesitas hacer?• Encuentra la lista del grado de tus hijos ingresando a este link
• Haz click en el botón de compra (“Add Full List”) e ingresa los datos de envío y facturación.1
• Puede personalizar su orden al finalizar la compra quitando o agregando artículos1
• ¡Listo!
¿Cómo funciona?• Los útiles son enviados directamente a tu casa dentro de los 5 días hábiles e incluso antes.
• Un click y listo ¡Es así de simple!
¿Cuándo?No hay fecha límite para comprar útiles escolares.
Si tiene una pregunta sobre su orden por favor envíe un email a orders@yubbler.com Si es posible, incluya su número de orden que puede encontrar en el email de confirmación.
1 Todas las transacciones son procesadas por el servicio de seguridad de pagos en línea “PayPal's Brain Tree”.