• Students should begin exploring their options within WECHS and beyond WECHS in the 9th grade.  There are many opportunities at WECHS to earn health certifications or diplomas that will either provide a future career or experience in a future career.  

    WECHS student counselors will hold junior and senior conferences to assist in future planning and the college application process.  Health Science Seminar provides additional support and assistance with scholarship researching, essay writing, and career planning.   Students should also attend information sessions hosted by WECHS and the colleges/universities of interest to them. They should also meet with WECHS Student Services counselors for guidance in the application process and for support with admissions and financial planning.

    WECHS Northern Campus students begin the college application process in the fall of their senior or supersenior year (depending on what year they plan to graduate.) A strong transcript significantly increases a student’s chance of being accepted by the college(s) where they apply.

    Four year colleges and universities look for students who have:
    1. earned good grades in both their high school and college courses,
    2. sufficiently challenged themselves while demonstrating a solid work ethic and effective study habits,
    3. earned final grades that are transferable (grades of C or better),
    4. achieved satisfactory SAT and/or ACT scores,
    5. actively and consistently participated in activities and organizations in school and the community including volunteering/community service work, and
    6. attended class regularly. 

    Ms. Marece Mayo, Financial Aid Advisor, offers appointments for Wake Early College of Health and Sciences families.  Students and parents may make appointments with the Financial Aid Advisor beginning in October.

    The College Board Side with Step-By-Step Guide to College Planning