• Welcome, WECHS students and parents!

    Wake Early College of Health and Sciences offers a comprehensive Counseling and Student Services program. With a mission to “Meet the academic, personal, social, and emotional needs of all students,” the WECHS Counseling and Student Services Department offers a range of services, including:
    • Individual academic and personal counseling
    • Facilitation of Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
    • Classroom Guidance programs
    • Organizing and facilitating evening programs for students and parents
    • College Counseling
    • Referrals to community agencies and resources
    • Teacher and Administration collaboration

    We look forward to getting to know our new students and their families.  Feel free to call, email, or schedule an appointment at any time. 

    Join the Student Services Remind for your class, text 81010 with the corresponding message below:

    9th: @2024wechs

    10th: @2023wechs

    11th: @2022wechs

    12th: @2021wechs

    13th: @2020wechs

    12th and 13th grade parents:  @wechs25par


    Follow Student Services on TWITTER.  Follow us @WECHSCounseling 

    Our contact information is as follows:
    Students in grades 11-13: Melanie Lachance, Dean of Students: mlachance@wcpss.net (919) 532-5702
    Students in grades 9-10: Michael Muse, Counselor: jmuse@wcpss.net (919) 212-5800 extension 26058 
    Financial Aid Advisor, Ms. Marece Mayo.
    Students and parents may make appointments with the Financial Aid Advisor during the school year beginning in October.