Membership and participation in all student clubs and organizations is open to all students without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or other protected classifications.
Click HERE for the New Club/Student Organization Request Form.
Animation & Gaming Club
Meetings weekly on Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30p in rm 1206Advisor: Jason Martinjmartin6@wcpss.net -
Best Buddies
Mission: Best Buddies is dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Suzy McCabe, Advisor
Beta Club
Honor Society focused on community service for SophomoresNational Beta Club
The purpose of the National Beta Club is to promote the ideals of character, service, and leadership among students, to reward meritorious achievement, and to encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school. Honor Society focused on community service for SophomoresWFHS Advisor:Mr. Trevor KitchenRoom 1109Email: tkitchen@wcpss.net -
Black Student Union Club
Meeting Dates: Every 2nd and 4th WednesdaysLocation: Room 1111Time: 2:20 PMPurpose: The Black Student Union (BSU) brings students together to promote unity, diversity, and leadership within the African American community and beyond. We create a safe and supportive space where all students can share their voices, discuss important issues, and build a strong community. Through education and advocacy, BSU encourages students to embrace different cultures, support one another, and grow together.Advisors: LaShonda Harding (lharding@wcpss.net) and Fran McKoy (fmckoy3@wcpss.net) -
Book Club
The WFHS Book Club is a casual club where students who love to read can come share and discuss books that they love. In addition to weekly meetings, the Book Club hosts an annual Wake Up and Read and Feed Book Drive and participates in KidFest every April. We take two field trips to Richland Creek Elementary to read to kindergartners.
Meetings: Wednesdays at 7 am in the Media CenterAdvisors: Mrs. Kastendike (ckastendike@wcpss.net)Ms. Bentley (rbentley@wcpss.net) -
Chess Club
Advisor: Ms. Sylvia RayeEmail: sraye@wcpss.netClub Description:The WFHS Chess Club is a place where students can learn and play chess with others. The only requirement is an interest in chess; players at any skill level are welcome.Meetings: Biweekly sessions on Wednesdays. Each session will last an hour, and it will take place right after school in room 1110 (Ms. Raye's room). -
Collision Repair Club
The Collision Repair Club is perfect for students that love to work on vehicles! It provides a place where collision repair is used to make a positive impact on the lives of all students involved. Students participate in repair activities as a group learning how to work as a team, take on leadership roles and obtain skills that can lead them to a successful career in the collision repair industry. Students may join at anytime during the year by showing up at one of the club meetings.
Advisor: Shane Hawley
Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Location: 1805
Follow us on Facebook: Wake Forest High School Collision Repair Club
Computer Science Honor Society
Wake Forest High School CSHS is an organization that brings awareness to computer science. The purpose of this organization is to encourage students’ enthusiasm for computer science, to honor academic excellence, and to promote service. Society members and advisors commit to and embody three core values: equity, service, and excellence.
Meetings: 3rd Thursdays, from 2:30 – 3:30 in Room 1110
Advisor: Ms. Raye
Instagram: WFCompSci
Crochet and Knitting Club
Club Name: Crochet and Knitting ClubDescription: This club is for any student that is interested in learning how to crochet and/or knit as a hobby. The club will meet to work on projects while offering advice and sharing tips to enhance their skill set.Meeting Frequency: Twice Per MonthRotating Locations: Media Center and 3617 -
Cultural Connections
Fostering awareness and appreciation of the different cultures present among the WFHS student and staff population.
Advisor: Sarah Cannon
Meetings: Bi-weekly, Tuesdays @ 2:30
Room 1113
Instagram: @wfhs.ccc
DECA/Marketing Association
DECA is a co-curricular club that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.Follow us on Twitter @wfrdecaMeetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays2:20 pmAdvisor: Kristi Walkerknwalker@wcpss.netWebsite: http://wfdeca.weebly.com/ -
Dungeons & Dragons
Players form an adventuring party who explore fantasy worlds together as they embark on epic quests and level up in experience through the narrations of a Dungeon Master.Advisor: Zane Styerszstyers@wcpss.netMeetings: Wednesdays @ 2:15-3:30pmRoom 1809 -
Environmental Science Club
The Environmental Science Club empowers teens to become lifelong environmental stewards. Students implement action projects that provide community service and active learning about environmental science. They engage in peer-to-peer education activities, sharing their school-based service-learning projects with other students. The club's leadership opportunities promote pathways to college and environmental science and technology careers.Advisor:Samantha PontrelliRoom 2621spontrelli@wcpss.netMeetings: 2nd Monday of each month in Room 2621 at 2:20pm:
Fashion Club
The WFHS fashion club plans to teach students the history of fashion and how it has come to be, create a fashion collection for the end of the year, teach basic hand-stitching techniques, have debates on fashion related subjects, and have a clothing donation to go to people in need of clothing and more! We mainly want people to have fun and make new friends who are interested in fashion!
Meetings: Tuesday, Bi-Weekly
Advisor: Mr. Marsh
Instagram: @wfhs_fashion_club
Family Career & Community Leaders of AmericaFamily, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in public and private school through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.Advisor: Mrs. Helen OwensEmail: howens@wcpss.netMeetings: TBD at 2:30 pm, Meeting Room 0203Contact Mrs. Owens for more information.Follow us on Instagram: @wfhs_fccla -
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
The purpose of FCA is for students to be able to fellowship with other athletes and believers in sharing Jesus.Meetings: Wednesdays @ 6:40 amAUX GymAdvisor: William Sullivanwsullivan@wcpss.netWebsite: http://fcawfhs.weebly.com/Follow us on X: @WFCOUGARSFCA for updates -
The mission of the FFA is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.Meetings: From 2:30-3:30 Rm. 1806Monthly Meetings TBDAdvisors: Dana DonaldsonGraham FergusonMike JohnsonInstagram: @WakeForestFFA -
History Honor Society
Exploring different times, regions, and nationalities of different nations / empires that have existed. We look forward to discussing different time periods in history and making comparisons and connections between influential societies. If you are interested in deep, fun, or interesting conversations about different time periods in history, please come and join in the fun!
Meetings: Wednesdays
Room 1727
Advisor: Jeremiah Mattingly
HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a global student-led organization, whose mission is to promote career opportunities in the health industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. We participate in competitions as well as healthcare related community service.Instagram @wfhs_hosaTwitter @_wfhs_hosaMeetings: Every Other Tuesday
Room 1723
2:30 pm
Advisor: Amanda Kiger
International Thespian Society & Drama Club
International Thespian Society is the international honor society for theater students who demonstrate exceptional talent and commitment to performing arts, display good character, and maintain a respectable GPA. Students who wish to become candidates for membership should contact the advisor.
Advisor: Kristin Rendinakrendina@wcpss.netMeetings: 3rd Tuesday of the MonthCheck the WFHS Theatre webpage for detailsLocation: Auditorium -
Junior Optimist International Club
Junior Optimist International is an all-inclusive youth organization sponsored by Optimist International. Our organization embodies the Optimist Creed, which motivates us to embrace positive values like optimist and respect for ourselves and others while engaging in community service. Our mission is to use a passion for making a difference to reach out to other people wishing to make a difference too.
We have over 15,000 members in over 500 clubs throughout the world.
What is a Junior Optimist Club?
With special guidance and support from a sponsoring Optimist Club and/or Club Advisor, your Club completes fun projects and activities to improve the community and better the lives of its residents. As soon as you’re a Member, you’ll also have opportunities to polish your leadership skills, manage money and practice good citizenship. These “hands-on” experiences will help you prepare for college and adulthood!
What is Junior Optimist International?
Junior Optimist International is the umbrella organization that links your Club to others throughout North America! Much like Optimist International, Junior Optimist is governed by an International Board of Directors as well as by District Officers. Each year, club members attend District and International Conventions to elect their peers to fill these important offices.
What Kinds of Projects Can Junior Optimist Clubs Do?
The possibilities are endless! Every Club is challenged to study the needs within its community. Your Club may choose to complete environmental projects, visit the elderly, participate in Special Olympics, serve food in shelters, or baby-sit for single parents. You may even choose to hold fundraisers to benefit your school, UNICEF, Juvenile Diabetes, the Optimist International Childhood Cancer Campaign, or other local charities.
Meetings are monthly in room 0113 @ 2:30Club Advisor: Ms. Zainab BhattiEmail for more information: zbhatti@wcpss.netInstagram: @wfhs.joiclub -
Juniorette Woman's Club
The Wake Forest High School Juniorette Club is for young women who enjoy working together on small hands-on community-service projects while practicing leadership skills. The club meets monthly after school in Mrs. Owens’ classroom.
Juniorette Club President Makayla, Class of 2025, says: "The experience of giving back to the community with a tight-knit group of people is truly exceptional. The Juniorette Club provides an opportunity like no other to make an impact.
"Because of this, we have been recognized for numerous projects at the state level of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Previously, we made cards for children’s hospital patients in collaboration with the nonprofit Letters of Love. This project received recognition as one of the “Top Ten Projects” for all clubs in the state in the Arts and Culture category."The General Federation of Women’s Clubs has also granted the Wake Forest Juniorettes an award for Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Awareness. The Juniorettes made thank-you cards for caregivers at the Safe Space shelter in Louisburg. The cards were included in tote bags with additional gifts from the WF Woman’s Club."The Juniorettes have also done projects to help our very own teachers at Wake Forest High School. During the 2022-2023 school year, we raised over $600 for PTSA Teacher Grants with our Chipotle fundraiser. While empowering women and instilling leadership, the Juniorettes aim to continue being a meaningful part of Wake Forest."For more information, contact our Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Helen Owenshowens@wcpss.net
Meetings: Third Wednesday of every month
2:30 p.m. in Room 203
Sponsored by: Wake Forest Woman’s Club
Key Club
Key Club is the largest service organization for high school students. We are focused on community service and fun! The main service opportunities are volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club, Kiwanis Bingo, Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive, Habitat for Humanity, Nursing Homes, Local Food Bank, Children's Miracle Network, Teens in the Driver Seat, and more. We also raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, and the Salvation Army.
Service Club: Sponsored by Kiwanis Club
Check out our website - https://msgarciawfhs.weebly.com/key-club.html
Remind: Text wfhskc22 to 81010
Instagram: @keyclubwfhs
Meetings: 1st Thursdays Rm. 0109
2:20 pm
Advisors: Donna Garcia
dgarcia@wcpss.netShiree Longsmlong@wcpss.net -
Latin Club/Junior Classical League
Junior Classical League is a national organization for middle and high school students in Classical Studies classes. Students in this club compete in academics and arts at the state and national level.Meetings: TBDRm 4610Advisor: Rebecca Stephen -
Math Honor Society
Mu Alpha Theta is a non-secret organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarships in, and enjoyment and understanding of, mathematics among high school and two-year college students. Current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders with a 4.0 weighted GPA in completed math courses (and a 3.0 unweighted overall GPA) who are enrolled in a 4th/5th math course this year and have completed 3 math courses with one or more at Honors level or above can join.
Meetings: TBD, afterschool
Location: 2608
Advisor: Joelle Irish
National Achievers Society
Honor Society for Minority Students or any students who are interested in helping to close the Achievement Gap. The organization is sponsored by the Urban League. Students must have a 3.0+ GPA to receive an invitation to join and must maintain that to remain a member, along with meeting attendance and community service requirements. Students can only be inducted in their sophomore or junior year.Meetings: 2nd & 4th ThursdaysAdvisor: Bettina PopeFacebook: WFHS NAS (closed group, members must be approved to join) -
National Art Honor Society
Nationally accredited through National Art Education Association. Focus on bringing together art and community National Art Honor Society membership is by teacher recommendation only.
Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursdays Rm 0308Advisors: Ruth Osbornrmosborn@wcpss.net -
National Honor Society
Eligible Students: Juniors, Seniors, and Second Semester SophomoresMust Have: Cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higherAdvisor: Jan NapolielloMeetings: Tuesdays after school in the CafeteriaDues will be paid at the end of October.Booster Concession Stand Sign Up: https://wakeforestcougars.boosterhub.com/calendar/897?eventId=45257Volunteer Opportunities:-
Theatre and Dance shows coming up in the 2nd semester, Keep an eye out!!
- Mulching MLK Memorial Garden, Jan. 9-10 @1215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Raleigh https://fsseries.com/event/168627/volunteer/
Chavis Garden Refresh, Jan. 30 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm @John Chavis Memorial Park
Lunar New Year Celebration, Feb. 2 multiple shifts @Lake Lynn Park
Ghost Road Trail Run, Feb. 8 @Wake Forest
Flower Cottage Tree Ring Mulching, Feb. 27 9:00 am - 12:00 pm @Dorothea Dix Park/ Flower Cottage
Tobacco Road Marathon, Mar. 14 @USA Baseball, Cary
- Marsh Creek Cemetery Cleanup, Apr. 3 9:00 am - 12:00 pm @City of Raleigh Greenhouse
Beaver Dam Triathlon, Apr. 19 @Falls Lake, Wake Forest
Wake Forest Half Marathon, Apr. 26 @Wake Forest High School
WFiSMES Spring Fling, May 16, 2025 Afternoon @Wake Forest Elementary School
Catching Fireflies 5K, May. 16 @2200 Wakefield Pines Drive, Raleigh
National Latin Honor Society
NLHS is an academic honor society open to students with an A average in Latin upon completion of their third Latin course.
Meeting: TBDRoom: 4610Advisor: Rebecca Stephenrstephen@wcpss.net -
National Technical Honor Society
Wake Forest High School is a proud charter of The National Technical Honor Society.
The mission of the National Technical Honor Society is to honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities for the NTHS membership.
Membership Requirements:
Open to juniors and seniors who have successfully completed a CTE Pathway
Have a minimum Unweighted GPA of 3.0
- Completed Teacher Recommendation Form
Member Benefits:
NTHS Scholarship Opportunities
Letters of Recommendation
Membership Recognition including a certificate of achievement, official NTHS diploma seal, membership pin, membership card, graduation tassel, and window decal
Important career and professional recognition by education, business, and industry
Online career center access with resume tools and job connections
Recruitment opportunities to top US Colleges and Corporations
Member discounts for GEICO, Lenovo, and more
Important Links:
National Technical Honor Society - https://www.nths.org/
- Mrs. Fran McKoy, fmckoy3@wcpss.net
- Ms. Lashonda Harding, lharding@wcpss.net
- Ms. Janis Suits, jsuits@wcpss.net
Meetings: TBD
Pediatric Pals
Club Name: Pediatric PalsDescription: Pen pals for children with cancer in nearby hospitals.Meeting Frequency: Twice Per MonthAdvisor: Ricardo PittarelliRoom 3610Contact Rick Pittarelli for further informationEmail: rpittarelli@wcpss.net -
Random Acts of Kindness Club
Misson: The Random Acts of Kindness Club will meet monthly and share acts of kindness for the town of Wake Forest. They will have fun making arts and crafts, like making notes, flower boutique to hand out to people around Wake Forest. Their goal is to make people smile and make the world a better place through kindness!Rachel Tunstall, Advisor -
Science Honor Society
A club for upperclassmen who have demonstrated excellence in Honors Science courses and are gearing towards natural science majors in academia.Email Mrs. Wojo for meeting information.Meetings: One Wednesday per MonthLocation: 3621Advisor: Tara Wojciechowskitwojciechowski@wcpss.net -
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is open to science enthusiasts in all grade levels. A science competition group that meets most Wednesdays from October-February to prepare for the Raleigh Regional Competition
Meetings: WednesdaysLocation: 3621Advisor: Tara Wojciechowskitwojciechowski@wcpss.net -
We are the "voice" of the Cougars! Our association is built up of each grade level's elected officers and representatives. As our school's leaders, we proudly host Homecoming, Student Legislative Assembly, class elections, and various other service projects.Meetings: Announced on the SGA Canvas PageRoom: 1618Advisor: Sarah FreemanFollow us on Instagram: @sgawfhsWebsite: https://sgawfhs.weebly.com/ -
Spanish Honor Society
The mission of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and to promote interest in Hispanic studies.Helps members maximize their potential through academics, leadership, and networking so that they can go on to high achievement in college or university.Advisor: Mrs. Madeline DiazMeetings: WednesdaysRoom 4608 -
Speech and Debate Club
Speech and Debate is a club dedicated to developing argumentative and public oration skills in students in order to prepare them for leadership roles.
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays
2:15-3 pm in Room 1612
Advisors: Jaya Martin
Follow us on Instagram: @wfhs_debate_club_
Sports Medicine Club
Sports Medicine Club: You do not need to take the class to join the club. Are you interested in working with our Student Athletes??? Join the Sports Med Team (club). We work hard, but we have a great time. All who are interested please email Dr. Jones and she will contact you with more information. Student Aides work with the WFHS sports teams alongside our Athletic Trainers. They learn the basics of what it is to be involved in sports and in the medical field. Sports Medicine are the backbone of athletics, so it is a lot of hard work with not much glory, but we are part of the team, and we keep the athletes going! If you are interested in this, please consider joining us.
Advisor: Rebecca JonesMeeting Location: ATR in Field House -
Sports Medicine Honor Society
Active participation in the sports med club as well as high marks in the sports medicine classes (open to SM 3 and above)
Meetings: Wednesdays, Monthly
Location: Field House
Advisor: Rebecca Jones
Strategy Club
Advisor: Elias Zaytoun
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Tri-M Music Honor Society is an international program dedicated to the recognition of exceptional music students. Students in this honor society must meet the music, academic, leadership, and character criteria asked of every Tri-M member nationally.
For more information, see our website at http://wfhschoir.weebly.com/tri-m.html.
Adviser: Mary McGrath
Unified Champions
We hold holiday parties, tailgates, and other fun activities throughout the year to make our special friends feel like welcome members of the Wake Forest community. Enjoy socializing, art, sports, games, scavenger hunts, and more with ECS peers! We are a Neurodivergent Affirming group that strives to be inclusive and fun for all students, we are a Unified Champions Banner School, and we have a Unified Track team for Student Athletes and Unified Partners to participate in the Spring.
Meetings: Thursdays @ 2:15 in the cafeteria on the side area with the circular tables
Follow us:
Remind - @g233k6d
Instagram - @wfhs_unified
Twitter - @wfhs_unified
Club Advisors:
Advisor - Raquelle Christian (Pollock)
Wake Wellness
In collaboration with the PTSA, this club will promote monthly wellness topics and information for the student body.Monthly teams will be identified and promoted along with the PTSA to support students' well-being. Meetings will be held monthly with additional work sessions scheduled as needed. This is not an honor society or a club with a national chapter association.Mrs. V-West, Advisor -
Women in STEAM
Women in STEAM is a WFHS club that inspires and empowers young women to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Related Arts, and Math. Its purpose is to organize and provide a variety of career exploration and networking opportunities. Women in STEAM targets females due to their under-representation in STEAM career fields. However, all students are welcome.
Monthly Meetings in Room 304 @ 2:25 pm
Advisors: Susan Tyson styson@wcpss.net Sharon Genus sgenus@wcpss.net -
Writer's Club
Who is Writer’s Club for? Writer’s Club is for any aspiring 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade writers of:
-Creative Writing
-Comic books
-Fan Fiction
-We meet twice per month. We have free-writes, collaboration, and camaraderie.
Meetings: Every other Friday in Rm 1216
Advisor: John Cookjcook1@wcpss.net -
Youth and Government Club
A club with a ConventionConnect young minds to the world of politics and interactions of our branches of government.Meetings: Wednesdays
Location: 1727
Advisor: Jeremiah Mattingly
Follow us on Instagram: @wfhs_yag