Weekly Message 10/25/24

Posted by Michele Tempke on 10/25/2024 9:30:00 AM

Magnet Applications for Middle School & Kindergarten

Fifth-grade families, if you have a rising 6th grader and are planning for them to attend their base school, you will need to do nothing. However, if you would like your child to attend a Magnet Middle School, you must apply to the school of your choice. The application period is from October 14th to December 12th. 


Rising Kindergarten students need to be registered at their base school. If you wish to send your rising Kindergartner to a Magnet Elementary School, the magnet application must then be completed by the deadline.


Magnet Fair

The annual WCPSS Magnet Fair will be held tomorrow, Saturday, October 26th, from 9 to 12 p.m. at Enloe High School. Attending will allow you to talk with various school personnel to understand your magnet choices. Please see  WCPSSMagnetInfo for more information.  


PMES Trunk or Treat

The annual trunk-or-treat is back! It will be held on Oct. 29th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Decorate your car, hand out candy, or prepare games for this fun event—it is a popular one! Volunteers are needed to decorate trunks and assist with the event. Please see the signup genius for details!


FUNRraiser for WNC 

PME has adopted Hendersonville Elementary School, an elementary school in Western NC affected by Hurricane Helene. The school has expressed having enough general supplies but would greatly appreciate monetary donations to help families with specific needs. We will have a FUNraiser, and 100% of the money will support Hendersonville Elementary students and families.  


Beginning Oct 28 - Nov 8, we will have buckets in the fifth-grade hallway with each staff member's name and picture. The five staff members who receive the most money in their bucket by Nov 8th will participate in an Epic Inflatable Costume Race in front of the entire school on Nov 12th at 2:30 in the playground area.  


Send in your "couch change" or any monetary donation, and have your child vote for who they want to see running around in an inflatable costume. Take a look at the inspiration for this event.  Resources: FEMA HEALTHYCHILDREN.OR


NCSU Trunk or Treat 

Beta Alpha Psi and Master of Accounting students at NCSU will host a Trunk or Treat at Capability South Parking Lot on NC State's Centennial campus on Sunday, October 27th, from 5-7 pm.


Lost & Found

The lost and found grows daily with student clothing, outerwear, water bottles, etc. Please label your child’s items; we can help relocate lost items to their rightful owner. This will help your budget and decrease the items we collect.


Reindeer Romp

Support Girls on the Run and cheer on or participate in the Reindeer Romp 5 K on December 7th. Please see the details Reindeer Romp Info


Calendar of Events

October 26th - Magnet Fair Enloe High School

October 29th - PME Trunk or Treat

November 2nd - Fall Planting Day 9-12 pm

November 5th - No School Election Day

November 6th-8th - Scholastic Book Fair

November 7th - Literacy Night 5-6:30 pm