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Saturday SAT Information

Students will park in the parking lot off of Avent Ferry Road. Arrival and Check-In Time is 7:40-8:00am.


What to Bring on Digital SAT Test Day 

There are only a few things you really need to bring on test day and a lot of things you'll be better off leaving at home. Be sure to bring: 

  • Your fully charged testing device with the Bluebook™ application installed (see detailed device requirements). 

  • Your up-to-date admission ticket. 

  • Acceptable photo ID. 

  • Pencils or pens for scratch work. 

  • An acceptable calculator for use on the Math section of the test (there will be an embedded graphing calculator available to use within Bluebook). 

  • Epinephrine auto-injectors (like EpiPens) are permitted without an approved accommodation. Placed in a clear bag and stored under the desk during testing. For policies on other medications, contact Services for Students with Disabilities. 

Nice to Have 

  • A watch without an audible alarm. (The Bluebook application has a built-in timer that tells you exactly how much time you have left). 

  • A charging cable if your testing device cannot hold a charge for 3 hours. 

  • A bag or backpack. 

  • A drink or snacks (for your break). 

  • A backup testing device. 

Cell phones are NOT allowed during testing, give phones to proctor.