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Principal's Mid-Week Message

Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families, 


The week is off to a great start! I am sending out an additional message this week to let you know that Semester 1 report cards are coming home today.  All students received their report cards during first block, so please check with your students when they get home.  Finalized grades are now also showing in powerschool. 

In addition, we have a few school-wide events coming up, both this week and next that I wanted to make sure are on your calendars. 


Meet the Teacher Event- This Thursday!

With new classes comes another opportunity to “Meet the Teacher”! Please save the date for our second semester “Meet the Teacher” event, which is virtual on January 30th. A flyer is attached here! Virtual “meeting” links will be shared on the green bar of our website on Thursday.


Curriculum Night 2025

Thursday, February 6th we will have our annual Curriculum Night at MCHS.  This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your student to come and see the many different classes and programs we offer here at MCHS.  This is the event that begins our registration season and students picking classes for the next school year. It is a great opportunity to listen, learn and ask questions about all we have to offer - a map will be provided that night with locations for each department to visit.


Rising 9th grade parents can come at 6pm for a parent meeting in the auditorium, after that you will have the opportunity to visit all MCHS has to offer on rotations, hearing presentations from every department. 


Rising 10th-12th grade parents can come starting at 6pm to visit with core and elective teachers who will share information and be available for questions. This floating opportunity will last until 7:30pm. 


Also, there are some special events that will happen throughout the evening, all of these events will be held in the Auditorium.  

5:30pm - Special Sneak peek of the Musical 

5:40pm - Special Musical (band and choir) treat 

6:35pm - Meeting about Capstone Program (Rising 10th Graders)

6:45pm - Meeting about College Credit Opportunities (CCP and AP)

Find the flier for the event linked here.  If you have questions, please let us know. 


I hope you all continue to have a great week!


Lacey Peckham, Principal