Principal's Weekly Message
Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families,
I hope that everyone has had a good week. November is flying by and winter sports are getting underway.
Below are a few reminders and informational updates for next week. I appreciate your attention to all of the details!
Information & Reminders:
We have several opportunities for our families to support MCHS school staff and programs over the next few weeks. Please see below for ways that you can help!
Honor Roll Breakfast is coming!
The MCHS PTSA Student Recognition Committee is excited to celebrate our students' achievements for A Honor Roll in the first quarter on Monday, November 25! We will celebrate their success, and students will have a chance to win gift cards and other prizes while enjoying time with their peers. We’re asking for donations of items, which can be selected from our Sign Up Genius list. Links are provided for guidance, but similar items are also appreciated.
Stock the Staff Lounge!
Our PTSA Hospitality Committee provided a wonderful luncheon his past week for our teachers, and works hard to keep the staff lounge stocked with snacks periodically throughout the year. Please consider helping donate towards these efforts at this link!
Yearbooks On Sale!
Yearbooks are still available for order! Go to and enter code 10474 to get yours. After signing in, parents of seniors can also design and submit an ad tribute for their senior to be included in the yearbook. Please email Mr. Williams at with any questions.
Information from Student Services:
Freshman Parent Meeting
Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for our Freshman Parent Meeting this Wednesday! For those who were unable to attend, please see the slides at this link. Counselors will be finishing up Freshman Meetings with ninth grade students this coming week so be sure to ask your student what they learned about calculating their GPA and which classes are required to graduate!
Below are some of the events scheduled for next week.
Mon, Nov. 18th: Musical Auditions 2:30-4:30pm
JV/V M Basketball HOME vs. Willow Spg 4:00/7:00pm.
V W Basketball HOME vs. Willow Spg. 5:30pm.
Tues, Nov. 19th: Musical Auditions 2:30-4:30pm
JV/V M Basketball HOME vs. FVHS 4:00/7:00pm.
V W Basketball HOME vs. FVHS 5:30pm.
Swim Meet @ TAC 8:00pm.
Wed, Nov. 20th: Wrestling @ Athens Drive 5:00pm.
Flag Football Playoffs TBD
Thurs, Nov. 21st: Mustang Moments Choice Activity
Fri, Nov. 22nd: JV/V M Basketball HOME vs. South Garner 4:00/7:00pm.
V W Basketball HOME vs. South Garner 5:30pm.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Lacey Peckham, Principal