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Principal's Weekly Message

Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families, 


I hope all our students and families have had a great week.  Next week we will have our last few days of the First Quarter, and Friday is a Teacher Workday.  I hope all our students finish strong!

Below are some updates and information for your calendars. I appreciate your attention to all of the details!

Information & Reminders:

Yearbooks On Sale!

Yearbooks are still available for order! Go to and enter code 10474 to get yours. After signing in, parents of seniors can also design and submit an ad tribute for their senior to be included in the yearbook. Please email Mr. Williams at with any questions.


Community Trunk or Treat!

Middle Creek HS will be hosting a community Trunk or Treat event on Oct. 30th.  Our MCHS student clubs (along with our neighboring schools) will be decorating trunks and offering games that night. We would love your support in collecting candy to distribute this night (as there is always a great crowd!). 

If you are able, we are accepting candy donations TONIGHT at the home football game. Please consider dropping your donations off to our bin while here to support our team!

You can also donate bags of candy to our front office, or have candy shipped to MCHS earmarked for our PTSA. Thank you! 



Information from Student Services: 

Junior College Night Panel

Thank you to everyone who came out to join us for our College Night Panel!  Here is the information that was shared for anyone who would like to view the slides:

College Night Slides

College Admission Statistics 24-25


Below are some of the events scheduled for next week.

Mon, Oct. 28th:        NCHSAA Golf State Tournament

                                  Flag Football HOME vs. Apex &  Green Level 5:00pm.

Tues, Oct. 29th:       Make-Up Picture Day!

                                 JV/V M Soccer @ Panther Creek 4:30/6:30pm.

Wed, Oct. 30th:       Trunk or Treat! 5:30pm MCHS Student Lot

                                 Winter Sports Tryouts

                                  Flag Football @ Panther Creek 6:00pm.

                                  NCTC Showcase 6:30pm.

Thurs, Oct. 31st:     Winter Sports Tryouts

                                  JV Football HOME vs. Cary HS 6:45pm.

Fri, Nov. 1st:             V Football @ Cary HS 7:00pm.


I hope you all have a great weekend! 


Lacey Peckham, Principal