Principal's Weekly Message
Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families,
It was a great, short week here at The Creek. We thoroughly enjoyed having our incoming 9th grade families join our current families last night for our curriculum night. It was a highly attended event and we hope it was helpful in getting students ready & excited for course registration which will begin in a few weeks. If you were unable to attend the event and/or need more information regarding the registration process please check out our MCHS Student Services website linked here. We also enjoyed a wonderful Semester 1 A and AB Honor Roll breakfast this week and celebrated the academic accomplishments for over 900 students throughout the morning. Thank you for our wonderful PTSA and community members for sponsoring this event!
Below are some updates and reminders for next week. Thank you for your attention to these details.
Information & Reminders:
Support the MCHS Band!
MCHS Band Boosters is hosting a Sarris Candies fundraiser. Ordering is sweet and simple - all online! Visit, enter our Group ID# (10-3647) and any band student's name to shop. Browse hundreds of Sarris Candies products and checkout online. Online Ordering is open through 3/10/2024. Your order will be shipped directly to your customer's house and the specified band member will earn 25% profit!
Changes to event security- Coming March 1st
As mentioned in WCPSS communications, there will be changes to the rules guiding personal items and bags for events starting in March. Specific information linked here.
Upcoming Testing Dates:
WorkKeys Test:
Middle Creek High School will be administering the ACT WorkKeys exam to all seniors who are CTE concentrators on Tuesday, March 6th. A reminder that students will be participating in the ACT WorkKeys assessment in an online format and will need to bring their school-issued Chromebook for testing. Please see Mrs. Sumner in the media center if you need to borrow one or have any issues with the one you have now.
ACT Test:
Middle Creek High School will be administering the ACT to all Juniors on Tuesday, March 19th. A reminder that students will be participating in the ACT in an online format and will need to bring their school issued Chromebook for testing. Please see Mrs. Sumner in the media center if you need to borrow one have any issues with the one you have. We will be running on a modified bell schedule for all students that day to not disrupt testing and to ensure all students have lunch.
Seniors- Class of 2024:
Senior Celebrations - As the Class of 2024 Senior class’s last semester is upon us, the MCHS PTSA will be sponsoring some celebrations.
March 6 - 100 Days Until Graduation Shirt Day!
Seniors and staff are encouraged to make a shirt with 100 things attached to it to celebrate that there are only 100 days until graduation. There will be prizes! More information to come soon!
Information from Student Services:
Free College Admissions Workshop
The Southern Association of College Admission Counseling (SACAC) is pleased to offer a FREE workshop about college admission and financial aid. The target audience is high school students and their parents. This is a great opportunity to hear about college admissions from the admissions officers themselves!
When: Saturday, March 23, 9am-12pm
Where: Raleigh Convention Center, 500 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27601
How: Register by March 13:
Scholarship Information for Seniors
Seniors, please report scholarship information to Student Services as you receive scholarship offers from colleges. Any academic, arts, athletic, etc. scholarship offers can be reported, even if you aren’t going to attend the school. Please email scholarship information to Ms. Morris in Student Services at or stop by Student Services and we will make a copy of your offer letter. Last year’s senior class earned over $8 million dollars and we want to see if this year’s class can top that number! More information about searching for scholarships can be found at this link: Scholarship Searching - Where to Start
Below are some of the events scheduled for tonight and next week.
Mon, Feb. 26th: M Golf @ Holly Springs (Devils Ridge) 2:30pm.
M Tennis @ Green Hope 3:30pm.
JV Men’s Lacrosse @ Broughton 4:30pm.
Tues, Feb. 27th: Athletics Spring Picture Day
V Women’s Soccer HOME vs. Hunt 5:00pm.
W Basketball NCHSAA 1st Round HOME 6:00pm
Wed, Feb. 28th: 3rd Quarter Progress Reports!
M Tennis @ AFHS 3:30pm.
JV/V W Lacrosse @ Willow Springs 5:00pm/6:30pm.
JV/V Baseball HOME vs Harnett Central 4:00/6:30pm.
JV/V Men’s Lacrosse HOME vs. Willow Spg 4:30/6:30pm.
Thurs, Feb. 29th: Softball HOME vs. Willow Spg. 4:00pm.
JV/ V Women’s Soccer @ Willow Spring 4:30/6:30pm.
Fri, March 1: Men’s & Women’s Basketball SWAC Tourn. TBD
JV/V Baseball @ Sanderson 4:30pm.
V Baseball HOME vs. Sanderson 4:30pm.
Softball @ South Garner 4:30pm.
V Men’s LAX HOME vs. Christ Church
JV Men’s LAX HOME vs. Cardinal Gibbons 6:00pm.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Lacey Peckham, Principal