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Principal's Weekly Message

Good afternoon Middle Creek High School families, 

                I hope all our families have enjoyed their weekend so far! This week our students have a few extra days to soak in some down time and recharge, with today’s holiday and tomorrow’s teacher workday. Even though it is a short week this week, we do have several things going on, including our annual Curriculum Night where families can get lots of great course and registration information.  These details, and other important updates are provided below.  Thank you for your attention to these  details. 

Information & Reminders:

Curriculum Night:

We will be hosting Curriculum Night on February 22nd for all rising 9th-12th grade families, from 6-8pm.  This is a time to learn more information about courses offered at Middle Creek and ask any questions.  Rising ninth grade families will begin the evening with a general session meeting in the auditorium at 6pm, with rotating sessions to follow.  Rising 10th-12th grade families will have the opportunity to freely stop in at any Core or Elective area.  Athletics, PTSA, Stampede Club, Counselors etc will also be available.  A flier is linked here for your convenience.  We hope to see you there!


Attendance Reminders:

As we head further into the second semester, I want to highlight the importance of consistent school attendance.   Students must be in regular attendance to do their best work in school. School Board Policy 6000 states, "The Board recognizes that a positive correlation exists between regular attendance and achievement.  Therefore, regular attendance is required."  Additionally, there are attendance expectations that must be met to maintain privileges (like parking and lunch passes), and earn exemption status as seniors.

When the need for an absence exists, it is imperative that the student returns to school with a note from  his/her parent or guardian providing an explanation for the absence and the signature and daytime contact  information of the parent or guardian.  

If a student has excessive absences it will likely impact their mastery of content and ability to be successful in the class.  Teachers, administrators and counselors will be monitoring attendance. More details can be found in the Student Hub linked here and on our website. 


Seniors- Class of 2024:

Senior Celebrations - As the Class of 2024 Senior class’s last semester is upon us, the MCHS PTSA will be sponsoring some celebrations.

February 21-23 - Senior Spirit Week - flier

  • Wednesday, February 21 - Sweet Treats for Seniors 

  • Thursday, February 22 - Senior Selfie Station Day

  • Friday, February 23 - Dress like a Senior Citizen Day

    • Seniors and staff are encouraged to dress like their favorite senior citizen. 

March 6 - 100 Days Until Graduation Shirt Day!   

  • Seniors and staff are encouraged to make a shirt with 100 things attached to it to celebrate that there are only 100 days until graduation.   There will be prizes!  More information to come soon!


Information from Student Services:

Free College Admissions Workshop

The Southern Association of College Admission Counseling (SACAC) is pleased to offer a FREE workshop about college admission and financial aid. The target audience is high school students and their parents.  This is a great opportunity to hear about college admissions from the admissions officers themselves!

When: Saturday, March 23, 9am-12pm

Where: Raleigh Convention Center, 500 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27601

How: Register by March 13:


Scholarship Information for Seniors

Seniors, please report scholarship information to Student Services as you receive scholarship offers from colleges.  Any academic, arts, athletic, etc. scholarship offers can be reported, even if you aren’t going to attend the school.  Please email scholarship information to Ms. Morris in Student Services at or stop by Student Services and we will make a copy of your offer letter.  Last year’s senior class earned over $8 million dollars and we want to see if this year’s class can top that number!  More information about searching for scholarships can be found at this link: Scholarship Searching - Where to Start



Below are some of the events scheduled for this week.

Tues, Feb. 20th:        Women’s Basketball SWAC Tourn. HOME vs. AFHS 6pm

                                   V Men’s Basketball @ AFHS SWAC Conf. Tourn. 6pm

Wed, Feb. 21st:         Men’s & Women’s Basketball SWAC Tourn. TBD

                                   V Baseball Scrimmage HOME vs Broughton 4:00pm.

Thurs, Feb. 22nd:     Curriculum Night 6:00pm.

                                   1st Semester A/B Honor Roll Breakfast (1st or 2nd pd.)

Fri, Feb. 23rd:            Men’s & Women’s Basketball SWAC Tourn. TBD

See you bright and early Wednesday!


Lacey Peckham, Principal